Someone more worries


Hongbin's body start shaking when he was knew it's your time already come. You looked at him, sweat in his nervousness make his shirt becomes wet. 



You hold Hongbin hand's, smiling to lighter his mood. He so nervouss. He makes himself rushing to meet you today even tho he is so busy with filming drama.

"I can go by myself. I don't want to ruined your schedules", said you in guilty.


Hongbin gulps and shooks his head. He kiss your hand and poke your cheek. Smiling like nothing happend to him.

"No! I can bring you to the hospital. I'm not busy today", he replied.

You raise your eyebrow, "are you sure you can drive in state like this?"

He shakes his head quickly. His beautiful smile covering his anxiety but you has noticing his shiver from head to feets.

"Don't worry! I'm fine. We should go now", he anwers and patting your head. 


He still confident with himself but you not. This is make you worries so much!


"This is you is person I must worries! You know?!" Yelling at your husband but he didn't hear.

He just focus to what he must do. Picked the key car quickly, grabbing your bag and hold you to out from home. All he does is in the faster speeds.


"Oh My God, He was definitely NOT fine!"


When both of you into the car, he could failed insert the car key in the hole because his hand shaking a lot. You offer yourself to drive but he just says, his pregnant wife should not near with the steering wheel.


After starting engine, your heart beating so fast. You unconfident that he can drive but still believe himself. You thought he can drive safety but the reality it's was probably is the worst car ride in yourlife start from today. Hongbin almost running over senior citizen and some kids on the road. He brakes too hard until you got shocked.


You look at your husband in dark expression around yourself, "Hongbin-ah.. I always knew you're going to save me but this is just like you gonna to kill me!!

"Sorry.. I just.. I'm worried about you. I promise I'm not kill you anymore", said Hongbin. His cheeks turned pinky blushing and he bit his lower lips in embarrassement.

You put your hand to his sweaty hand on the gear while rolled your eyes to see out of the window. Other hand, you pinch your forehead. You had to much worries to your husband until you got a headache. 


"This time, I'm is person whom wanna given birth but he is person whom more anxiety than me. Abnormal husband.."


"You should think about yourself before you worried about myself" , you told him in whisperly voice.


When you was into the labor room, Hongbin linked your arm tightly. Noticing him just tried to dragged you out from this room, you give him the death glare. He wiped his sweat that dripping from head to neck.


"Excuse me sir, can you waiting at outsite? I saw you seen doesn't in good condition".


Suddenly Hongbin send his death glare to the nurse who's dare talk to him like this. 


"Are you okay, mr. Lee?" You asked for the last time before you make him to go out from labor room. The bad imagination your mind if Hongbin stay with you in this time.

"I...Okay..I...Da..Umm..Da..." Hongbin couldn't finished his words. His face turned pale.


You set in your mind that your husband couldn't to be here because he is not in good condition plus he must be very tired. Kissing his forehead then you told to the doctor to kicked him out.




1 hours later...



"How are you? How my baby? Where my baby? I'm excited!! Did you hungry?"

Hongbin kill you with so many question after he saw you in ward room. Now he becomes a father, you knew his feeling when looked at his smile. The heavenly smile. Maybe he was back to the normal. What do you think about this?


After 5 minute...


The nurse coming into your room. She briging a beautiful baby to you. You welcoming your baby into your arm. In suddenly you heard Hongbin crying dramatic beside you. He also kneeled in the floor.


"Don't cry,Hongbin.. Everything is fine. Look you have what you want before. Say hi to your daughter", said you comforting him.


Hongbin stood up quickly. He caress his daughter's cheeks. Pinched her chubby cheeks. Hongbin's look so bright then he look your face.

"Hummm.. Can.. I.. carry her?"

"Can you do this?"

"Yes, please believe me."

"I.. not sure with you."


Hongbin closer his body to you, kiss you teasingly and show his puppy eyes. The glitters from his eyes melt your heart. You are give up!

"Alright. You can try", finally you just agreed with Hongbin.


In the time you wanted to give your daughter in his arm, you look Hongbin suddenly fall to the floor. His hand shaking again.

"I feel fear!! Saids Hongbin. His hands covering his face. He is perfect in everything but when he start anxiety it's hard to get the normal. Only you can help him.


"Hongbin, I know what you feel right now. Don't worry, today is your first time. Next time I believe you never being like this anymore". 


Patting his head, wiped his sweat, tell him to hug you. Hongbin stop shaking after received lovely hug from you. He smiling and laughting that means he was back to the normal. He look very happy when your baby hold his finger after he put one finger on your baby's hand.


"So how about our baby?" you asked him.

"She's so pretty.. Like me.." he replied while give you the biggest smile.

"I agree she has a good looking like you but I hope she doesn't get anxiety like you."

You smile smirkes to Hongbin. He started being shy until the red tone appeared on his cheeks.

"Ahh this.. Stop talking about my weakness. I don't want my daughter knew his father just like that", said Hongbin then hiding his face at your shoulder.


You squeeze his hair before he gently kissing your cheeks. Both of you smile to each other.

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