Girls Night...?

Once a fangirl, now a girlfriend.

I keep walking in the dark.
Street lamps appearing one by one.
I held my cellphone in case she called back.
I remember taking Justin's number.
I suddenly feel myself blushing.
I open my cellphone and started a new message


I couldn't think of anything else.

"Good evening. Are you awake?"

I feel like disturbing him.

"This is Althea. Remember me?"

Oh gosh. I feel so stupid for asking that.

I push send.
Suddenly I regret everything.
I shouldn't have sent that message. I feel myself being clingy.
I hope he doesn't get annoyed with me.

I walk to the front doorsteps of my home.
I open the door and call out.
"Mom! Dad! Anyone home?"
No one answers.
I guess I'm alone.

I head to the phone and started dialing for the pizza.
I hear the doorbell. I panic a bit.
I was on the phone waiting for the Pizza Man to pick up and there's someone at the door,
who is apparently very stubborn.
He/she won't stop pushing the doorbell.
"Pizza Delivery 24/7. May we take your order?"
"Yes. Could I have a Deluxe Cheese & Bacon, a Hawaiian, and a-"
I hear the doorbell ring even louder. I cover my ears for second.
"Triple Cheese."
"Thank you for ordering. Your bill is $75."
I hear it ring a couple of times again.
It makes me want to shout at whoever is out there to shut up,
If I wasn't on the phone, I would have.
"How long would it take?"
"About 20 to 30 minutes. But we will deliver it as soon as possible."
"Thank you."

I put down the phone and ran to the door.
"Shut up!" I said as I open the door wide.
"Oh hello." The very annoyingly-familiar figure said.
"Will you invite me in?" This annoying figure asked.
"No" I slammed the door but stopped before it closed.
"How rude!" Said the voice of the annoying figure behind me.
"I don't know how you did that...
and I don't care."
I close the door and sit on the sofa, waiting for the pizza.

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My friend is a true belieber and told her about the fic xD so im gonna subscribe your story on behalf of my friend since she doesnt have her account here ^^
woobel #2
Chapter 1: I think you should write about Justin on Livejournal because this site is called ASIANFANFICS.
This is the first time I've read a JB FF. /so weird feeling../ o___o
fujisyusuke-kun #4
I put it here at AFF since my friend, the main lead, was a filipina like me.<br />
Thanks for commenting anyway. :)
This is like the first FF I've ever read about JB. XD
wow...i'm so gonna introduce this fanfic to my friend! nice job! ^.^