⇣ YOU-NIVERSAL! — we're in desperate need of some unconditional lovin' / come be our #1 soulmate! ≣ ♥︎


an affrp for all the sweethearts

greetings, viewers and adorable passerbys! i really do hope you find this place just a tiny bit to your liking. i absolutely can not begin to spur out all of the excitement and joy i have for opening this place, i- eep! join us and see what we have in store for you. ♡ d'aw, i love you all already!


001 biased replies and facechasing are prohibited. we don't want anyone feeling left out!
002 inactivity for three days = immediate kickout. please don't join if you're not going to be active!
003  please comment if you have wishes, going on hiatus, deactivating, or in a relationship!
004 love has no limits here. love whoever you want!
005 remember to follow these simple rules and you'll be the best little star here!
+ i truly hope we don't have to add any more rules, lovelies.


001 . reservations last for 24 hours, gmt -7 time!
002 make sure to comment upon your arrival and subscribe. make sure to talk to you-niversal members only.
003 . password is - introvert or extrovert? * thank you so much for taking your time to give us a quick little peek. ♡ whether you join or not you're always welcomed to become a part of our little group of friendship and affinity. also, don't be shy to request again if you miss your reservation. bye bye, see you soon!

what's sweet this week

8-24-15! / [ - today marks the grand opening of a new haven for all you cutie pies out there! we'll welcome you with open arms no matter the circumstance so let's get this little friend-making party started! whoo-hoo! <3

ingredients of our roleplay

myb: u-jung.

F(x): Krystal25.

Urgent, wants, fulfilled

yoojung wants her myb babyboos, seventeen's seunggwan & the8, sonamoo's minjae, cross gene's shin, and astro's rocky & moonbin.


Sugar and cookies currently dating
salt, paprika, and sugar in some relationship, (ohh, talk about a spicy love triangle)



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reserving myb's moonhee, thanks!
+ extrovert. <3
Do you accept Japanese idols?
apatheticaIIy #3
reserving fx's krystal, thank you!
mostly introvert