
The Forlorn Heart

“I don’t let someone like you hurt my friend!”, “my friend...my friend..”, Earn! You said “my friend” to me, so how was I am to you? You would never know how much your harsh words hurt me! You know Earn, a cut, a knife, a sword, or an arrow can kill people instantly, while words can kill people gradually without blooding, they hold their breath until their heart stop beating! The victim and that killer will never see their blood. And you did it to me by that way. You would never see my tears behind your saying. Why didn’t you listen to me for once Earn? Why did you push me away? Why did you turn your back to me? Why did you always wound my affections? My heart beats for you, why didn’t you hear it? 

You said those three words to me meant you never think me as your friend! Earn, I also never see you as a friend though just a second, because I want more for our relationship, because I love you, because I want we are lovers! That is my biggest desire in my life! Is it so luxury?

Earm! Earn! I call your name by my breaking heart and sobbing my heart out. Earn! I’m always here to make you smile, I’m always by your side at your hardest time, always be your stable shoulder for you to lean on. And now the only thing you gave back to me is tears! Earn, how much tears you take me to please you? How long I have to cry to get your care? Why don’t you know whenever I saw you with that boy, my heart crumbled into thousands of pieces? I’m always here to wait for you, to wait for your love, but you never saw me. I’m just an illusion in your eyes. We’re like eyes and cilia, next to but never see each other. We’re on the same bench but we turn our backs to each other. We’re on the the parallel roads and never meet at the end...

I’m too tired for waiting to reach my love, I wonder if I could get beyond that that rock wall between us, if I could have your love in my whole life! I’m too tired to wait for your answer. But It seems like I will never hear it because from now I will give up, Earn! I think I will stop, I want to give my poor heart an escape. It was hardly tightened these passing days and it needs to be released!

Earn, from now I will try to consider you as a friend, though I know it’ll be so difficult for me. But deeply inside my heart, I wish you know my last desire for once the only thing will never change in me that: I STILL LOVE YOU! 

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M9ture #1
Chapter 1: So sad... I've seen the teaser and honestly, I'm beyond disappointed. I'm devastated! I feel bad for Yuri, if she's gonna fall for Pete. Who's obviously in love with Earn. And Pete! Oh boy. I feel terrible seeing him suffer that way. Earn, open your eyes dude! Or heart.
Lina_chan #2
Yeah..I don't understand Thai but base on what I can see they seem to fight..I also ship earnpete..hope they could be together in the end..though the teaser shows some pete yuri moment.. :( :(