1Last Call

Last Voicemail



“You have 5 voice messages.”

It’s him again. Kyungsoo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed before pressing ‘listen’.

“Hi, Soo.” Kyungsoo grabbed the chair nearest to him and sat down before closing his eyes shut.

“How’s your day? I hope it’s great.” The man from the other line sighed. “Work’s boring, as always. Jongdae is still an .” Kyungsoo let out a strained chuckle.

“Sehun and Chanyeol are asking for you. They really miss you.” Kyungsoo smiled. He missed his two friends, too.

“I miss you…”

Kyungsoo’s smiled faltered upon hearing those words.

“So, so much…” The man’s voice seemed constrained, like he’s controlling the power of his voice to prevent it from sounding broken. Kyungsoo’s lips trembled when he heard a sniffle coming from the other line.

“I… I don’t know how many calls I still have to do just for you to come home…”

“You moved out and you didn’t tell me where you were. Thank goodness I was able to get a hold of your home number.” The man on the other line laughed sarcastically.

“Ah,” Jongin started. “Why would you even tell me? I destroyed us.”

“I destroyed us…” Jongin mumbled. “But I still want us back so badly…”

Kyungsoo let his unshed tears fall for the first time in 3 months. He felt like his chest was going to burst from the heaviness he was feeling inside. Jongin’s voice was making him hard to breathe. Everything was so painful that Kyungsoo can't do anything but cry and gasp for air.

“It’s been 3 months, Soo… It’s been 3 months since I last saw your face… It’s been 3 months since I last heard your voice… It’s been 3 months since I last held you…”

It’s been 3 months since he last saw Kyungsoo’s face and it was filled with tears an etched with anger, pain, and disappointment.

It’s been 3 months since he last heard Kyungsoo’s voice and it contained pained cries because of his broken promises.

It’s been 3 months since he last held Kyungsoo and it was because he was holding him by the waist whilst he begs him not to go.

“I can’t believe it’s been 3 months, Jongin…” Kyungsoo said even though he knows the man on the other line won’t hear him.

“I… I ended it with Baekhyun right after you left. He resigned a week after. I’m so sorry, Soo… I’m so sorry…”

“If only I could turn back time…”

Kyungsoo closed his eyes shut and shook his head, tears still flowing out of his eyes. “You can’t.”

“If only I could turn back time and stop myself from doing it.”

“You can’t.”

“Kyungsoo, please come back to me…”

Kyungsoo slowly opened his glassy eyes and stared at the phone.

“I need you here with me, Soo. Please… I promise, I’ll change, for real. I promise… Just please, come back…” Although almost inaudible, Kyungsoo still heard Jongin’s sobs.

“I love you, Kyungsoo… I love you so much.”

Kyungsoo knows that Jongin will never change. It wasn’t only with Baekhyun. Jongin cheated on him with Luhan 2 years ago. What’s worse is that Luhan is Kyungsoo’s best friend. Kyungsoo was so mad and broken when he found out that he didn’t cry and just walked out of Jongin’s apartment without uttering a word. Kyungsoo spent 3 nights crying over his damaged relationship and friendship. He forgave Jongin when the latter begged and even stayed for the night outside his house. Kyungsoo forgave Jongin out of love and hope for the man to change.

But he didn’t.

2 years later, Kyungsoo caught Jongin and Baekhyun sharing a kiss at a café. Kyungsoo was worried because Jongin wasn’t picking up his phone when Jongin promised him that they’ll go out for dinner that evening. He decided to walk to Jongin’s apartment since it’s just near to his house. Kyungsoo was about to take a turn when he saw a familiar face in the café located across his boyfriend’s apartment.

It was Jongin—his fiancé—with someone who wasn’t him.

It’s not wrong if Jongin was with someone else. What’s wrong is that Jongin and that someone—who appeared to be Jongin’s officemate—had their hands clasped together at the table.

With a heavy heart filled with a familiar feeling of betrayal and confusion, Kyungsoo went back to their shared apartment and packed all his clothes and belongings, leaving the things he shared with Jongin and a note that says it was over.

He knows that Jongin will never change. Kyungsoo knows that he’s not what Jongin truly needs and Jongin isn’t the one who he deserves.

Kyungsoo knew that and often complains about Jongin not letting him move on, but in the back of his mind, he knows that he always looks forward on Jongin’s calls. He always looks forward on hearing Jongin’s voice, on hearing Jongin telling him that he needs him.

But now, Kyungsoo realized that he needed to let go to forget. He didn't want to prolong the pain anymore.

The brunet stood up from where he was sitting, still contemplating. He closed his eyes shut and when he opened them again, he finally knew what he needed to do.

Kyungsoo pulled out the telephone wire.

A/N: And that's it.
*walks out shamefully*


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lmao_desu #1
Chapter 1: yeah SCREW U JONGIN!!!!!! kyungsoo doesnt need u anymore...... goodbye forever u cheatin
Chapter 1: :(. Jongin deserved it
Chapter 1: :'''''''"(((((