
One And Half



Being nervous never gets old for any idol out there before a performance starts, no matter how old you are or how fresh you are – veteran or a rookie. The same goes for Irene as she sat facing the mirror as her make-up artist and hair stylist did their magic on her, enhancing her already beautiful features.


It was not even a year into her debut and she was already emceeing for KBS’s Music Bank. Talk about being the rising girl group of the year. Part of her was happy she was given the courtesy to do so, but another part of her wished she’d be doing it together with her fellow members.


It is not like her co-host was not nice. No, BoGum was a decent young man, really. Tall, handsome, dazzling smile, broad shoulder; a woman’s ideal man. She felt the chemistry between them the first time they met and she was glad BoGum spoke to her first, despite him being the younger one between them.


And then, the producer for Music Bank requested for the two of them to perform a song together. Another way for the music show to gain more viewers as well as attention from both BoGum and Irene’s fans with the two new MC’s chemistry together. Her members had supported her for her duet with BoGum. Hell, every member even Kang to the SeulGi.


Oh, my SeulGom, she thought with a sigh. She had expected SeulGi to at least show some jealousy or something but all she got was nothing. Zero, zilch, nada, niet. SeulGi was just that selfless, always thinking of others first before herself. So, when she felt her phone vibrated on the table with her SeulGi’s name flashing on the screen, a smile reached itself on the corner of her lips.


From : SeulGom~<3

Good luck on your duet, BaeChu-ah! I know you can do it better than anyone! I’ll be watching ^^ Love you! Xoxo


Biting her lower lip to prevent a girly giggle from escaping, she glanced around the dressing room. Everyone was busy dressing up BoGum. Perfect, she thought, holding her phone an arm length away, smiling at the camera as she took a picture of herself.


To : SeulGom~<3

You know I hate taking selcas, but here, just for you >.< xoxo


It didn’t take SeulGi a long time to reply as Irene felt another vibration in her hand as she tapped her phone hastily, anticipating her human bear’s reaction towards her selca. Only SeulGi had the priority to have her selca without even asked.


From : SeulGom~<3

Finally! I can update my screen saver! The last screen saver I had of you was way back into Happiness’ era! Human bear loves it ;D


“Irene, you’ll be up in three minutes. You need to get ready at the backstage now.” A PD peered from the door as he searched for Irene. Irene only nodded as she typed another reply for SeulGi at lightning speed.


To : SeulGom~<3

I have to go now. Be up in 3. Wish me luck! I love you xoxo


BoGum was standing patiently outside the door when she exited, him offering a friendly smile with him leading them towards the backstage. The nearer they were towards the backstage, the more shaky her hands were she had to clutch the hem of her skirt before straightening it out again.


“We’ll be fine, noona. You did well on rehearsals. So, don’t worry.” BoGum said as he smiled again.


Irene nodded, a nervous laugh escaping before she could stop it. “I hope so. I just hope the fans know that I worked really hard for this.”


BoGum nodded, “They will.”


Irene then started whispering to herself the moment BoGum turned away, “You can do this, JooHyun-ah. It’s not like this is your first time performing on stage. I’m Bae JooHyun. I am the Bae, like what the fans call me. I am Bae freakin’ JooHyun and-“


“Cue!” The PD half screamed, half whispered.


Her voice was a little shaky at first but she managed to steady it. I mean, how can you dance and sing at the same time without having breathing difficulties? It was even a challenge for even the best singer out there. Nearing the end of the song, she held hands with BoGum, faking a bashful smile before he let her hand go, reaching out a rose as he offered it to her. With a shy smile, Irene reached for it and the song ended.


Everything went surprisingly well and Irene was more than excited to see what SeulGi and the rest of her member opinion was. And so, she literally skipped all the way back to her dressing room.


When she reached the dressing room, she all but scrambled around looking for her silver iPhone on the table. She felt herself smiling when she saw 5 messages. 3 each from Wendy, Joy and Yeri, and another 2 from her human bear. She opted to click SeulGi’s messages first, only for her smile to turn into something entirely Bae JooHyun style.


Irene guffawed infront of everyone, in the middle of a dressing room, with everyone watching.


From : SeulGom~<3



And the second one.


From : SeulGom~<3



And Irene snorted, slapping her hand against the armrest of the sofa, her head lolled back in an awkward angle as she continued laughing over SeulGi’s messages.




To : SeulGom~<3

Everything was staged, you know that right?


From : SeulGom~<3



To : SeulGom~<3

You know what kind of flower I like?


From : SeulGom~<3

Tiger lilies


Irene felt a soft smile spreading on her face as SeulGi no longer replied with CAPS LOCK.


To : SeulGom~<3

There you got it. So, you think I like the rose I received?


From : SeulGom~<3

Oh hell freakin’ no, babe. I’ll give a field of tiger lilies tomorrow. I don’t care if it’s impossible. I’ll call President Lee personally to find one if I have to.


To : SeulGom~<3

That’s very sweet of you, but you don’t have to <3


From : SeulGom~<3

I know, I’m sorry. Jealousy got the better of me. I’m sorry if I wasn’t acting like myself back there.


To : SeulGom~<3

I love it ^^ I love that you’re jealous. It means you’re possessive of me and I like it. Keep it that way, Kkangsseul.


From : SeulGom~<3

Of course. Come back to me now? I’ll be waiting ^^


To : SeulGom~<3

You better do!


Just in case her forgetful human bear forgot about the rare jealousy issue that happened, Irene chose to screenshot the conversation between SeulGi and her as she grinned widely, her face splitting into two if possible.


Irene never felt happier, skipping all the way back from KBS’s building, back into her human bear’s waiting arms.

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Oct_13_wen_03 #1
Chapter 1: super cute 😭🤍
Oct_13_wen_03 #2
Chapter 1: cute😭🤍🤍
Chapter 1: awww this is so cutee
71 streak #4
Chapter 1: This is so ing adorable
shinchan222 #5
Chapter 1: HAHAHA I loved this ❤
Chapter 1: Burn the effing rose and PBG HAHAHA JK this is fluffyyy
santa_ilhoon #7
Chapter 1: may i have a kang seulgom too? ;-;
Chapter 1: Jealousy is needed sometimes
Chapter 1: This kang seulgi is so cute.even her jealousy is cute
minimumcats #10
Chapter 1: Seulgo is so creepy >.>