
Missing You

You tap on the window impatiently as you wait for the traffic light to turn green, your foot placed readily at the accelerator. You have hastily said goodbye to your dinner companions and shrugged your shoulders, deflating all questions with that one action. It is for the best, even if you want to scream and shout and tell it to everyone you know, how in love you are and with whom, that person, your  soulmate…since so long ago. Yet you keep mum and smile sanguinely. Because your sole aim is to get home as quickly as possible  once you received that message stored under a nondescript name of course and with just one word – Home in Korean.


Stepping into the dimly lit living room, you close the maple wood door gently, not wanting to wake him up. He must have fallen asleep while waiting, the remote control still in his hands. His eyelids flutter gently as he mumbles incoherently while you kneel down to face him, just drinking him in, his pale imperfect skin, thick eyebrows, full lips. His thick brown hair is still wet, probably just having got out of the shower, the familiar vanilla sandalwood shampoo you loved tickles your nose. You are afraid to move, because you know how tired he has been these past few weeks with his packed schedules and you just want him to rest. Unable to stop yourself, you brush as softly as you can, the lock of hair covering his eyes and hold your breath as he shifts slightly, his fingers  grasping and covering himself with a blanket, no wait, your terry robe. 


Eyes still closed, he groans out a low “No” as you try to tug the terry robe to cover him more, knowing how he likes to be bundled up. His long fingers pull the robe tighter before taking a light sniff, then letting out a contented sigh. Heart soaring with unparalleled happiness, you  know you are beaming  widely as you could not quite believe what you have just seen. You wish you could kiss him senseless and hug him so tight that he could not breathe but you choose to wait. 


Your footsteps are light as you pad to the kitchen to get a drink of water before a calendar on the fridge  catch your attention. You thumb through it gently, a strange clench to your heart as you recognise his handwriting, short notes to the numerous events happening this year and finally numbering all the days, counting down to November. Then you realises that he feels it too, much more than he is willing to let out. So he laughs with others, makes fun of you more, while underneath that tough exterior, he is  bracing himself. 



You stand at the entrance of the kitchen, watching him slumber as slivery shadows dance across his face. You are not sure if you could love  him even more than now but you are sure you wholly and irrevocably belong to him as he is to you. Well, he probably would never say that to you in that many words, you are sure of it. Yet his actions, his eyes when they meet yours tells you that he does. He does. 


His eyes open and look at your direction. A start and he sits up, biting his lips and then he pulls the robe, your robe around him. “How long were you standing there looking at me?” You keep silent when you make your way to him, ruffling his hair before you sit down and pat your lap. He nods and straddles you while you wrap your arms securely around his waist, your head on his chest, hearing the reassuring thump of his heartbeat. For once, you just don’t feel like talking, unable to quite put your multitude of emotions into words. The happiness, the desire, the longing and impending separation.


“This terry robe is mine when…” You hear that soft whisper into your ear as he kisses the top of your head. You nod, somehow still not speaking. You just want him to talk, in that beautiful rich voice of his. To reassure, whine, sing, groan…anything. Don’t stop…please carry on, you think to yourself as you burrow your head even closer to him. Somehow, he seems to understand and you think to yourself, the wonderful thing in your relationship is the connectivity with one another as he mumbles, in between sweet kisses, the words you want to hear but never demands from him.







The next morning, you watch the sunrise with him, from the privacy of your bedroom balcony. Hugging him from the back with your chin on his shoulder, you sigh and tighten your terry robe, no, his terry robe now, around him as the first splash of gold decorates the vast sky. He turns to kiss you all of a sudden, sliding his tongue into your mouth, catching you unaware and laughs at your surprised reaction. His round mocha eyes twinkle and he blinks innocently, yet a half smile on his face. Then  he gasps as you pounce at him, pulling him close by the lapels of the robe, nuzzling your unshaven face on his chest and face. You cup his face and stare…a comfortable silence for a minute or two…before capturing his lips again.


Soft. Gentle. Languidly.



Amidst the myriad of bright orange hues dotting the half-black sky, the city awakens and  it is another day. At the balcony, just two ordinary human beings, intertwine together by fate, stealing some time together before the day properly starts. You deepen the kiss as he holds on tight to you. But somehow, you already  know that it will be alright


The both of you will be just alright. 


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Kyured #1
Chapter 1: Beautiful authornim. thanKyu.. in your own words... "Don’t stop…please carry on"
bookworm83197 #2
Chapter 1: *sniffs*
How did I miss you coming back from hiatus?? o.O
Angela17 #3
Chapter 1: Like it Nippy... Sweet romantic yet i feel a bit of sad facing the truth on November...
Always love WonKyu...
Chapter 1: the inevitable enlistment huh? counting down the days but wishing their time together would still be longer. but there's still a ton of work that needs to finished and their time together is never enough...
I just wish for them both to be healthy throughout and stronger as a person when they come back
Chapter 1: so breaming story. This is like sad, miss and love mixed became once. You guys will be strong.. Fighting !!
Im so sad knew siwon will going on nov 19th to army. Huhuhu i had been predict it but still shocked and cannot easy to releasy him to goes TT