Prove Them Wrong
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Hello :)

As this story comes to an end, I would like to thank you for taking the time to read it until its completion. I can never thank you enough.

For my last chapter, I've decided to use a different prose: POV way of writing. I hope you enjoy. 

Bear hugs and kisses to everyone,


Cheska Rose :)


Seungyeon's POV

It was beautiful. The yacht was even named after me. I kissed my husband with as much passion as my tired body could managed and he returned it. It took his hand, anxious to see my yacht. Jonghyun led the way down the dock, keeping me from taking a fall into the water. The walk down the dock reminded me of our wedding and it was a giddy feeling. 

He stepped onto the boat and reached out his arms for me, I put out my arms and let him lift me into the air, twirling me around before setting me on my feet. I gazed around the gorgeous boat named after me. The rails of the white yacht were traced in small lights that reflected on the ocea, creating an unnatural, but striking glimmer. Jonghyun, my dear husband, smiled at me.

"Are you ready to see the rest, Seungyeon-ah?" he teased.

"Deh! Please show me," I begged, fully awake now.

My husband guided me to the door and pulled it open. We slowly descended down the steps. I gasped

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uchamp #1
Chapter 58: Omona so hot!! Yet so romantic... Thank you so much for ur dedication authornim. Wish you a good luck and send many kisses to your beautiful daughter
gendhuk #2
Chapter 58: omg!!! thank you so much mom for your story. last chapter is just... wordless :')
Chapter 58: ^_^ omgggg~ thanks so much ;)
Beelover #4
Oh I love this kind of customized stories. More sweet moments pls authornim <3
Chapter 57: Omg! Really? THANKS SO MUCH^_^
uchamp #6
Chapter 56: Mommy cheskaaaaaa, i want more "honeymoon sceneee"!!! Sorry for being greedy... We've been waiting since they want to push it until the wedding hehehe. Thank you for all your effort, for your cheerful interactive comment which make us united (cheering for JH and SY). It's been a lovely reading your story :)
Chapter 56: What? IT'S DONE? ! :'( I wanted more lovely scenes :'( then again, thanks so much! You must be busy with ur beautiful baby^^
Chapter 54: Eeeee~ wow love the wedding !!! I cab totally imagine it happening×.×
shasyia #9
Chapter 54: Eeeeeiy.... i love the pics, author; dashing lee jonghyun and stunning gong seungyeon ^_^
And also the cake: thumb's up.
Thankyou author for this chap.
Taavit92 #10
Chapter 53: Yeah please always update authornim don't make this story end