Walking At Night

Jungkook had told them, told his stupid friends that clubbing wasn’t something for him. Yet they had all pestered him to join them for a week. Normally the pestering would subside and they would all end up going without him then telling him what a wonderful night of booze and girls he missed out on and Jungkook would have to pretend he gave s.

But this time both Tae and Hoseok had been determined to get him, so much that they practically forced him out of his apartment and dragged him all the way to the stupid club. Jungkook had merely stayed there for an hour before his friends one by one had started to disappear, some could be seen dancing, more like grinding on some chick’s flat and some nearly passed out somewhere or had gone to the bathroom with an unfamiliar face doing good knows what.

So much for a birthday gathering, thank you guys.. he had scoffed before deciding that enough was enough and he would head home. Home to his fave pair of sweatpants, Iron man movie-marathon and some pistachio ice cream. That’s what had been his plan to begin with and it surely all sounded like heaven at the moment.

He made his way out through sweaty bodies and hungry, unfocused looks and the booming of the club music. Almost reaching the door he was sure he had heard Taehyung calling for him. Not bothering to turn around and see if it was him he run for it and was soon met with the cold, biting air of the first autumn night.

The sky was pitch black and barely had any stars to shine down on Jungkook, not that he really needed it, the street light were doing enough for him. He pulled his coat closer to his body as the cold was starting to sip through his thin layers of clothes, he surely hadn’t expected it to be this cold and started walking faster in hope that he would reach home quicker.

He’d been fast walking for a good 10 minutes when he felt a presence nearing him, nearing him way to fast for his liking. He felt uneasy and started to pace up even more not daring to turn around. This was also one of the reasons he hated clubbing, it would mean going home late and that was something he wasn’t too fond of, female or male, its dangerous. You never know what lurks in the darkness of the night.

The presence of whatever or whoever was starting to come closer and Jungkook could feel his heart pounding onto his ribcage and a lump was starting to form in his throat. Nervously he turned his head a bit to the side to see, the hairs on his neck went straight up when he noticed that indeed someone was following him, and who ever it was the person seemed ready to wear his skin as a dress. He was ing running after him.

I’m ing dead

To scarred and panicked to even move Jungkook just stood there, eyes closed ready to be stabbed or something. But it never came, instead he heard he heard a rather high pitched voice screech

“Jesus Christ ! I did not see you there..”

Jungkook opened his eyes and was met with a pair chocolate orbs and a messy mop of striking red hair. The boy, who he now noticed was a few cm shorter than him was panting, looking around uneasy. As the boy noticed he was not getting a respond from Jungkook and noticed how the taller looked scared he tried to speak again.

“I-I’m sorry If I scared you or anything, I’m not following you or planning on killing you if that’s what you think ! It’s just that, I’m really scared of the dark so I was trying to head home as quick as possible…I’m sorry…”

Hearing that and seeing as the red hair was blushing Jungkook almost felt like laughing at him, but then again he was the one thinking someone was trying to freaking kill him and almost pissed himself so he chose not to.

“Ah, it’s okey. I was being too paranoid…” he answered suddenly feeling embarrassed. 

The other immediately smiled a bright smile that made his eyes disappear and a cute giggle escaped his pillow lips as he said “Good!”. He looked so fluffy and harmless, Jungkook thought. How could he have thought someone like him would murder him? Realising he was staring at the red hair Jungkook awkwardly cough to wake himself up from the trance.

“Well uh.. I should keep heading home, and so should you..”

“Jimin, Park Jimin” the other answered to the question Jungkook hadn’t really asked

“Yeah, Jimin. Well then, goodbye !” He said before turning on his heals, ready to head home again. he didn’t make it far though before Jimin was next to him. Quirking an eyebrow at the red hair when he noticed.

“Home is this way for me too” he answered a bit flustered so Jungkook turned his head back forwards and kept walking. They walked next to each other silently for 5 more minutes before Jungkook noticed he was right next to the apartment complex, walking towards the first door to the left and fishing out his keys from his pocket he heard Jimin chuckle and then turning around

“What ?”

“No, its just that.. I live 3 doors away from you, we live in the same complex it seems. It must be faith”

Jungkook could’t understand what he meant but just chose to ignore it and gave the other a nod before getting ready to get in but then he heard Jimin say “Oh yeah, happy birthday ~”

Confused he he looked to the right as the red head now was standing next to his own door.

“And how did you know it was my birthday..?”

“You were at the club right? the one with the guys singing happy birthday loud enough to silent the music there” He laughed and Jungkook could only groan, he would seriously have to smack the heads next time he saw them.

“Well, good night then and happy birthday again!” Jimin said before heading inside.

“W-wait !” Jungook said startling himself a little bit of how desperate he sounded. 

Jimin turned to him “Yeah ?”

“I..uh.. Well..” Jungkook was as red as the latters hair, he was sure of it.

“I was just wondering if you would like to watch a movie or..something..” he nearly whispered towards the end, he didn’t quite know why he was asking Jimin home, he didn’t even know the guy.

“Now? It’s like 1 in the morning..”

Jungkook’s blush deepened an extreme crimson red as he was now fidgeting with the end of his coat.

Jimin interupted him before he managed to say something

“Which movie?”

Jungkook looked up “Iron man..?” What if Jimin thought those kind of movies were lame?

“Which one of them ?”

“All three..?” 

“Do you have ice cream ?”

“I have pistachio ice cream..?” Why was everything he answered back sounding like questions?

It was dead silent for a moment and Jungkook felt like he regretted asking, why would he want to say yes ? They didn’t really know each other, it was the middle of the night and heck; the other didn’t even know his name.

Feeling like he was going to explode out of embarrassment Jungkook tried to take back the offer “I’m sorry I don’t know why I-”

“I would love too”

Jungkook looked towards Jimin, doe eyes growing bigger “Wha-what?”

“I said I would love too. Pistachio is my ultimate fave, and you can never go wrong with Iron man ! “ The other beamed.

Jungkook felt relieved and for some reason very happy.

“it’s just one problem though” Jungkook’s smile faltered at the words

“And..what is that?”

“Well, I don’t know your name. It would be strange going home to someone you don’t even know the name of, don’t you think?” he said playfully, a smirk crawling its way to those perfectly pink pillow lips. 

He was playing with him and Jungkook knew it, yet he couldn’t help feeling flustered.

“It’s Jungkook. Jeon Jungkook”

“Well okey then Jungkook, I’ll be there in five. Just gonna change into my comfy sweatpants and bring some nachos ~ “ the latter said before going inside, leaving Jungkook baffled for a moment before heaving a sigh and heading inside his own apartment. 

Taking off his coat and making his way to his room and changing into his fave pair of sweatpants ,  he seated himself on the bed for a moment.

“Did I just invite a stranger into my house to watch Iron Man with me and eat ice cream and apparently nachos on my birthday..?” The knock on the door and the high pitched yet husky “Hellooooo ~ “ Was the answer Jungkook got for his own question. 

There was a red haired boy standing in a pair of matching sweatpants like Jungkook and bowl of nachos in one hand and white box in the other, smiling brightly at him.

“I had a piece of cake at home, it’s cheese cake though. I don’t know if you like it but if not then more for me!” 

Jungkook was both shocked and  moved by the boy and chuckled.

“I love cheese cake”

“Good! Then we’ll share”

And so Jimin made his way past Jungkook and plopped himself down on the latters sofa is if he had been there a thousands time before.

Still kind of overwhelmed by the whole situation Jungkook stood there just looking at Jimin. Seeing the other quirk an eyebrow at him before bursting into a big grin Jungkook thought that maybe after all, being forced to the club hadn’t been such a bad idea.

He would have to thank the heads later.

Indeed it must be faith



An: I hope this was okey enough

I'm such Jikook trash, I just had to write something 

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Chapter 1: It is so cute^^ I love it
Kanna- #2
Wow that is a strange incident! Lol sounds funny though