Part 1

Sunday Plan

“ Just my luck”, Mingyu muttered.

Today supposed to be a day where he can stay in bed all he want, I mean dude, who wouldn’t in Sunday? But, of course the universe hate him and send a devil by the name Soonyoung to barge into his oh so peaceful home at 6 A.M!

“Oh, c’mon! Don’t pull that kind of face! Don’t you think today is a beautiful day to walk outside?” chirped the said devil by his side.

“Yeah, of course it is, unfortunately this walk just completely ruined my plan for the day, that is to stay with my beloved pillow ALL DAY!” Mingyu groaned.

“Aww, don’t be like that! You need to take in the fresh air!”

“I prefer the air in my bedroom, thank you very much”

Soonyoung pouted beside him. They continued walking in silence for a while until the taller one broke it.

“So, now that I’m here, tell me what is it that make you drag me so early in the morning?” Mingyu asked the shorter boy beside him. The boy slowed down and spoke quietly.

“Umm, actually, I-I..” Soonyoung stare down at his shoes while nervously playing with his fingers.

“C’mon tell me, you do realize that if you dragged me out this morning for no reason at all I will not hesitate to kill you right?” Mingyu glared down at Soonyoung.

“Of course there is a reason! Calm down, gyu! How should I put this”, Soonyoung muttered. “Actually I need you to accompany me to the hot dog parlor by the Han river”

Mingyu just stare blankly. Just as he opened his mouth to speak Soonyoung cut him off.

“I’m not finished!” Soonyoung panicked. “I need you to accompany me today, because I-I”, He took a deep breath. “I decide to confess today” He let go of his breath.

Mingyu still staring blankly at him.

After a long pause “… you decide to confess today to….me?” Mingyu gaped at him.

“Of course its not you, idiot!” Soonyoung smacked Mingyu’s head.

“Ow! You didn’t need to smack my handsome head, hyung!” Mingyu complained while rubbing his head. Soonyoung just glared at him.

“Seriously, who do you want to confess to? I just assumed its me since you didn’t explain further” Mingyu pouted a bit.

“Idiot, don’t just assumed something.” Soonyong glared then sighed. “Do you remember when I tell you about a guy named Seokmin?”

“Oh! The guy with ‘the most dazzling smile even if compared to angels’ one?” asked Mingyu. Soonyoung blushed “Yah! I never say something cheesy like that!”

“Yeah, yeah, keep thinking like that, hyung. We all know you’ve got a HUGE crush on him already, so it’s not a weird thing that you talk about him like that” Mingyu pat his hyung shoulder while looking at him with sympathy. “So, you decide to confess to him today?”

Soonyoung blushed “Yeah, he work at the hotdog parlor by the Han River.”

“But, why this early in the morning hyung?”

“I just want to confess as soon as possible before I lost my courage. You will accompany me, right?” Soonyoung look at Mingyu with his best puppy eyes.

“Aww, of course, hyung! But you owe me this one!” Mingyu said while pinching his hyung’s adorable cheeks.

“Oww! That hurts!” Soonyoung complained and slapped Mingyu’s hand. “Thank you, Mingyu-ah” He smiled at his taller dongsaeng.

“No problem, hyung” Mingyu smiled back and embraced the smaller boy.

MIngyu and Soonyoung have known each other since junior high but they started to get closer in high school because both of them joined the dance club, where they also meet the other in their circle of friends, such as Junghan, Seungkwan, Minghao, Junhui, Jisoo, and Jihoon. Soonyoung is one year older than Mingyu but they talk at each other like friend even best friends. Even thought Mingyu is a troublemaker and love to annoy his friends, he also really protective of them, especially Soonyoung, Junghan, and Minghao. The three to of them is just too innocent and easy to trust people. Seungkwan often called him the ‘bodyguard’ (He actually love it ^^) because of his protective instinct.

“Okayy, let’s go now hyung, before you lost your courage”, Mingyu smiled.

“Yeah, you are right, lets go!” Soonyoung then proceed to pull MIngyu with him.




Not long after, the said hotdog parlor come insight and Soonyoung suddenly stopped.

“Hyung, whats wrong? Why did you stop?” Mingyu asked.

“I-I think I can’t do it, gyu” Soonyoung look at him with uncertain in his eyes.

“Hyung, seriously! You already dragged me here, I didn’t want to back out without you even trying!” Mingyu groaned.

“B-but” Soonyoung stuttered and looked down at his feet.

Mingyu sighed “Hyung, look at me” he gripped the older shoulders in his hands. “You can do it hyung, I know you can. I know how much you like him just by the way you talked about him. You already figured out your feelings, now its time for you to let him knows your feelings. You’ll only hurt yourself if you can't get it off your chest, hyung. You can’t back out now, where is the confident hyung I know go?” Mingyu spoke softly to him.

“But what if he rejected me?” Soonyoung look at him almost in tears.

“Hyung, I know what kind of person you are. You always prepared yourself and think of all the risk you will face before you make a decision. By saying you decide to confess to him I know that you are really ready to confess no matter what is his answer. I always believe in you hyung, you have to believe in yourself too, okay? Whatever his answer might be, you know that you still have me and the others, right?” Mingyu smiled softly at him.

Soonyoung smiled back “Yeah, you are right, thank you, Mingyu ah” Soonyoung hugged his dongsaeng.

“Okayy, now that we are here, off you go! Get your man, hyung!” Mingyu pushed Soonyoung toward the hotdog parlor and winked at him.

“Wish me luck!” Soonyoung took a deep breath and started walking toward the parlor.

Mingyu smiled as he continue to observe his hyung. He is 100% sure that his hyung confession plan will go smoothly, if the glare he received from the parlor early when Soonyoung hug him is any indication. He just want to make sure that his hyung really is in a good hand now.

As he observed from a far, he saw Soonyoung approach the parlor and talk with Seokmin guy for a while. After that, the two of them go out of the parlor. All the time Mingyu continue to observe them. He saw them stop walking and face each other. He can see Soonyoung fiddle with his fingers and stare down nervously. Not long after that, Seokmin looks like he is in shock until a broad grin replaced his shocked face and he kissed Soonyoung gently. Mingyu doesn’t need to watch any longer, he is sure now that his hyung will be okay.

“I’m glad Soonyoung hyung found his love. Now, when will I find mine?” Mingyu sighed and continued walking along the river quietly while enjoying the morning breeze.


Suddenly, he felt like the world weight is on his back and it make him crumble to the ground in no time.

“Oh my god, I’m so so sorry!” He heard a deep voice saying from above him. Not long after that, the weight on his back is leaving and he stand up slowly while groaning. Great, just as he started to enjoy the day something just have to happen. He turned and ready to give the person a piece of his mind when he is cut off by a guy with black hair who keep bowing in front of him. Beside that guy, there stood a foreign boy with a skateboard on his side rubbing his head.

“I’m so sorry! Please forgive my dongsaeng, he didn’t mean to crash on you. Its all my fault I didn’t keep my eyes on him”, the raven hair guy said while keep bowing at him. It makes Mingyu feel uneasy and awkward as he began to feel some people eyes on him.

“N-nah, it’s okay, I’m fine. Just keep your eyes on him before he crash on any more people, kay? And can you stop bowing?” He said try to sound not too annoyed. The guy immediately stopped and face him.

“Yes, yes I’ll make sure to do that.” He then turned to the foreign boy by his side. “Hansol, you should apologize to him too”.

“I’m so sorry I crashed on you. Hope you can forgive me?” the boy said in a perfect Korean while looking at Mingyu with his puppy eyes.

“It’s really okay, I forgive you already”, Mingyu can’t prevent his smile from showing while looking at the foreign boy in front of him. What a cute boy.

“Thank you for your kindness, we’ll go now. Sorry again for disturbing you”, said the raven haired guy.

“I said its fine already. Yeah, I have to go too. Be careful next time” said Mingyu while he start to walk again.

“We will. Goodbye!” Said the foreign boy while waving at him and started to walk in the opposite direction from Mingyu followed closely by the raven haired guy who start to scold the boy. Mingyu waved back then sighed.

“What a day” and its not even 8 a.m. He sighed again.

As he continued his walk, his phone ring. Its Soonyoung.

“Hello, hyung”

“Mingyu-ah! Guess what?!” He heard his hyung voice from the other said talk excitedly.

He chuckled “Let me guess, you are no longer boyfriendless, aren’t you hyung?”

“How did you know?! OMG He likes me back, gyu ah! I can die happy right now!” his hyung squealed.

“well, what else can be the cause for you to be this happy other than that if your only plan today is confessing your love?”

He heard Soonyoung giggled “You have a point. Oh my, I still can’t get over it”

Mingyu smiled hearing how his hyung is so happy. “I’m happy for you, hyung”

“Thank you, gyu ah. Now, where are you? Are you still by the Han River? Lets go home together”

“Yeah, I’m still here. Where are you, hyung? I’ll come to where you are”

“I’m nearby the hotdog parlor”

“Okay, I’ll be there”

“Hurry up! I need to prepare my date tonight”

“You do realize its still 8 in the morning right?”

“Well, yeah, but can you blame me for being this excited?”

“okay hyung, I get your point. Still, please don’t involve me in your plan for today hyung, you ruined my plan for the day already.”

“Aww, you are so mean!” He can imagine Soonyoung pout right now. “Okay, I’ll drag Seungkwan and Junghan with me this time”

“I'm sure they'll love that." Mingyu smirked. He can imagine how Seungkwan will keep complaining all the way. "Hyung, I almost there, I hang up now”

“Okay, gyu ah.”

After they meet up, they started to walk back home. All the way Mingyu keep teasing his hyung and received a slap and a blushing hyung on his side. Oh how he love teasing Soonyoung.

After arriving home, Mingyu go straight to his bed.

“I think I can continue my plan for the day”, and with that being said, he goes back to dream land.




Author note : I'm sorry there aren't any significant sign of meanie yet, we'll get there I promise ^^
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3036jonestom #1
Chapter 1: please update!!
-SM17E- #2
Omo, I'm like dying of the Soonseok feels!!(o;TωT)o
Can't wait for the Meanie scenes^^
Chapter 1: that's Wonwoo, right??
Apple_xing #4
Chapter 1: This story is too cute. I think i will faint because of its cuteness. I will wait for you next chapter ^^
Chapter 1: At first I thought this was going to be a oneshot but it's obviously not haha. I like the first chapter. Lol Mingyu thought Soonyoung liked him. I'm looking forward to reading the next one and especially I really want Meanie moments already hehe.