
Under the weather.


I gingerly opened my eyes, meeting harsh bright lights. I can smell cleaning products; the smell of antiseptic met my nostrils, and as I blinked grogily, trying to clear my vision, I came to the conclusion that I must be in a hospital. The door was pushed open, and to my suprise JYP hesitantly entered, guilt clear in his features. I guess the confusion on my face must have been obvious, as he smiled gently before speaking.

"Jaebum-ah, you've been very sick," he said with an uncharactaristically soft tone. To my even greater suprise, his eyes filled with tears as he gingerly sat down on the edge of my bed.

"Hyung's so sorry Jaebum-ah, he clearly hasn't been looking after you properly," he said, chocking up towards the end. I felt my eyes fill up with tears, but I desperately tried to regain my composure. He looked at my gently, before saying

"It's ok to cry, you don't have to be strong all the time." I finally let the tears and pent up pain spill out, hysterical sobs wracking my frame. I was finally comfortable letting my guard down, and he seemed to realise how much I needed this, letting me cry. He wiped my tears from my cheeks, before begging to my hair. I felt myself begin to get drowsy, and as the older man continued to smooth my fringe away out of my eyes, he said, 

"get some rest kiddo, you need sleep in order to get better."

He may of continued speaking, but it was at that point I let sleep finally overtake me.

Mark's POV:

"Im Jaebum!" Jackson impatiently told the bored looking receptionist for the 100th team, who finally answered with a monotone "Room 283."

We sprinted down the corridor, before coming to a halt just outside JB's designated room. Bracing myself, I pushed the heavy door open, being greeted with an adorable sight. Jaebum was sleeping soundly, with JYP his hair back off of his face in a parental manner. As we all crowded into the small room, he turned to face us, but didn't stop his soothing motions.

"How is he?" Jinyoung asked, sounding afraid of the answer.

"He has a high fever, severe exhaustion and dehydration. They're keeping him in for a couple more days, but you all have a month or so off. I am so, so sorry, I had no idea how hard you were all working. You all look completely exhausted, and by the sounds of it have all been fuctioning on coffee and sheer determination. I am so sorry kids," our CEO told us, regret written all over his face.

"It's ok Hyung," Yugyeom told him calmly, "as long as Hyung is unharmed."


There's a lot more noise now, but there's still a hand running through my hair. I feel myself shift slightly before emitting a soft groan, squinting in the harsh lighting.

"Hey there," somebody says softly, my mind still too groggy to decifer it's owner. "You gonna open you're eyes for me buddy?" they continue.

"Jackson?" I manage to croak out, sounding hesitant.

"Yeah, it's me, would you like a drink of water?" he replies. Somebody, probably him, rests his hand on the side of face, which I immediately nuzzle ito before nodding slightly.

"I know it's bright, but you need to open those eyes," I hear Mark Hyung says kindly. I slowly blink them open, to be welcomed with the sight of Jackson beaming down at me. He, along with Jinyoung's assistance, help me to sit up, before holding a plastic beaker of water to my lips. I down it greedily, enjoying the feeling of the cool liquid going down my throat. The simple action tires me out, so once I've had my fill, I slump back against Jinyoung's chest, sighing in contentment. Somebody, perhaps Mark, begins to speak, but I succumb to sleep before I can begin to make out what is said.

Jackson POV:

After what feels like seconds, Jaebum was asleep again, his head firmly planted in the junction in between Jinyoung's shoulder and neck, looking relaxed and child like in slumber. We had sent maknae line to collect some of his things, and to give them a bit of a break.

"How did we let him get like this," Mark questions, breaking me form my train of thought.

"I can't believe we didn't notice, this isn't some 24 hour bug, it's clearly been building up. Exhaustion? Dehydration? They don't just spring up out of nowhere!" I half yell, forgetiing to lower my voice in my frustration. He stirs, but thankfully doesn't wake up, just curling into Jinyoungie even more.

"Sorry," I add sheepishly, keeping my voice low this time. Jinyoung just smiles at me in response, still Jaebum's hair soothingly."I just feel like we've let him down. We were supposed to look out for eachother, but we clearly haven't been," I continue, feeling like a crap friend.

"Sometimes I think I forget that we're the same age, and he's barely out of his teens, because he's so often in leader mode. It's strange seeing him so vunerable, so fragile," Jinyoung said quietly, before pressing a platonic kiss to the still sleeping boy's temple, holding him close.

"I think from now on we need to keep an eye on him, so that we never get into a situation like this again, " Mark said, a determined undertone in his gentle voice. I couldn't agree more.

He's my friend, more like family really. There is no way he is falling under the radar again.




Authors note: Congrats to anyone who collected their GCSE results today, all the hard work has paid off!

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Chapter 2: This is so sad but again too fluffy i love it ♥♥
rushdinx #2
Chapter 2: please continue this story of jaebum .. I really like it :))
rushdinx #3
Chapter 2: pls update :)
Samcam21 #4
Chapter 3: Loved it can't wait to read the sequel !!!!!!
lazzzypanda #5
Chapter 3: Yay sequel
lazzzypanda #6
Chapter 2: Omg they are all so cute :)
lazzzypanda #7
Chapter 1: Omg save my baby :'(
kaijongin_1993 #8
Chapter 2: author-nim can you make a sequel??...like how they continue take care of jaebum and not let him out of their sight afraid something happen to jaebum...then unexpected thing happen to jaebum...because this story is really good and if you make a sequel it will be awesome with jaebum as main character..it just my idea@opinion so if i'm wrong i apologise by the way good writing author-nim..
Great Job Author! I feel so in the situation #soworry
tootoothree #10
Chapter 2: I can't help gushing because I'm sure every IGOT7 at some point, wants to tell Jaebum 'don't worry. you're doing a good job. Great leader jaebum!' ;A;