Personal Message

I'm a fan girl...

"Don't take life so seriously, you'll never make it out alive" Ryan Reynolds (Van Wilder)

About Me

I'm a fan girl, I've been one all my life. I love art in any form, and I enjoy fan fics. I'm new to them and I've been in the Kpop world for 3 years so far...and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I like to write although my writing isn't any good. So any advice please I'll be grateful for. I love anime, manga, Kdrama, Jdrama, Asian culture and other cultures all over the world.  Kpop in general has helped me I use it as a therapy really. I found it when I was depressed and it's helped me over come that. Key is my UB from SHINee, I love him a lot he has helped me more than he will ever know.