Personal Message

I'm always looking for amazing fics and amazing music!


About Me

Writing has always been a passion for me, as well as reading.

I started reading around preschool and writing in 2nd (?) grade.

I decided to make creative writing my first college major.

Writing has been everything to me, especially during hard times. However, it does have its drawbacks.

It consumes most of my time and I get really insensitive when I'm in my creative space.

I'm a reviewer because I like putting my OCD-ness about spelling and grammar to use. It's also fun to review fanfics that are,sometimes, so overwhelmingly good, but I wouldn't be able to find them without the review shop.

I like reading everything. Of course, I have my preferences and dislikes, but when it's not me reading it for fun, my antipathy won't stand in the way of my job.