Personal Message

Well hello there!

I am a terrible writer and I never finish anythting.

So if you dont want to be dissapointed, digusted, wracked with guilt, happy, sad or amused I suggest backing away slowly.

For those of you who enjoy being tortured and annoyed, welcome!


I apologise in advance. 

About Me

I embody everything that is sad and I love angst. The only real seasons are winter and fall. I can only write if I am depressed. There will be death. Deal with it. 

I am from the USA and write from that perspective. Feel free to ask any questions if there is something you dont understand or if I have wrongly described sometihng from another culture. As I have said before I enjoy comments and criticism.


Thank you so much for reading. 

I will continue to write as long as creativity strikes and I have muse.