Personal Message


I'm Imelda Gertrude. I grew this kind of typical habit of staying up late, scrolling fanfics under the blanket all the time so one day I've decided to write my own. AND I'M A HUGE FAN OF KAISOO. Yes. That little monster and the giant shy boy, but I don't have time to write one yet. Erm. That's a sign that I'm going to insert any kaisoo moments in every fanfics I write, I guess hehe. Nay, that's not a promise but you need to read my fics if you want to search for it. Heeeeeeee :D

I'm also a huge fan of EXO, not to exclude ALL EXO OTPS, we can talk about this ANYTIME. I'D LOVE TO RECEIVE MESSAGES!

And, so, I'm quite a newb, still crawling and struggling to improve all my writings. I just hope that you guys could enjoy reading my fics, AND COMMENTS! OMG I LOVE YOU IF YOU LEAVE A COMMENT ON MY STORY.

The most important thing is, oh wait, can we talk about how really gay EXO members are? 

About Me

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Thank you!