Personal Message

About Me


ProximaC is actually a short for ProximaCentauri

because besides J-Entertainment and K-Entertaiment

i also love astronomy :)

But that name will probably sounds too geeky

i'm also known as marshmello

but you guys can call me anything cool haha


I am old.

That's how old I am.

But not old enough to be display in a museum.

Nope, not yet.


I'm a BIG fan of KUROKI MEISA...!!! LOL

She's so beautiful, neh?  ^^



My two favorite words are AWESOMENESS AND HOTNESS :))




  and oh oh

although i tend to be a bit crazy and violent sometimes (blame my school/laptop/mega-difficult assigments for all my unhealthy act)...

im super duper FRIENDLY and NICE :))