Personal Message


I will likely be deleting this account because of some rather distasteful comments and my general displeasure with this site. If you're interested in my stories, you can always find me on Livejournal and my fic tumblr. You may contact me at my twitter (which is currently locked; just send me a request) or on my personal Tumblr. 

About Me

Just another fanfiction writer mucking about on the Internets; nothing special or important to be seen here.

This site is not where I normally post my fics, but it's still a legit place to read my stories. I post under the name leorizanzel on Livejournal and I'm also leorizanzel on Tumblr, so you may have found my stories before. If you want to listen to me about various things and occasionally experience lulz as well as updates, you can find me at kanyesungwest on Twitter.