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About Me



JULY 8 1992 Demon Half Human/Half Wolf Earth Straight

Getting married to: scroll down

Human Form.

  -Sweetheart  -Greasiest guy you'll ever meet  -Really big tease  -Says sorry a lot  

Powers & Abilites

      -Superhuman senses  -Superhuman endurance  -Ability to feel heartbeats  -Heals with kisses



Kyung fell in complete love with this girl he'd known for a while. He wasn't sure if she loved him back so he decided to ask a witch for a love potion. The witch gladly gave him a potion, but he ran out before she could tell him she gave him the wrong one. He drank half of it and ran to the girls house. Confidently, he asked her to be his girlfriend. But sadly she rejected him. Heartbroken, Kyung couldn't believe she said no. He went from heartbroken to furious very quickly. All of a sudden his body started shaping and he became an oversized wolf in the matter of seconds. Because of his rage, he attacked her. He chomped on her neck, breaking her spine and stopped her from breathing. He threw her to the wall, causing blood to spread all of the wall as she dropped slowly on to the floor. He then dropped to the floor and passed out. He woke up in human form, but when he saw the love of his life, dead on the floor, he didn't know what to do. He just held her in his arms and cried all day thinking, "She didn't deserve this". He ran back to the witch and asked her why she gave him the wrong potion. She said, "I tried to tell you it was the wolf potion but you ran off" He just stared at her with watery eyes, so she asked what was wrong. "I killed her." With shock the witch asked what had happened. Kyung told her and she told him that one should not get angry after drinking the potion. It can affect your genes and personality. Which is why he turned into a wolf and killed her. BUT because he only drank half of the potion, he is only half wolf. To this day, he remembers everything. Wishing he could forget it, he only believes you should get what you want if you deserve it. He hasn't fell in love since and is greasy 24/7 because that his way of forgetting. He doesn't want to fall in love again, in fear that he might kill his new love. No matter how much you might want him, you'd have to be ing special to win his heart. Don't forget that you'd have to deserve his love. Don't doubt his power either, he will prove you wrong in a heartbeat.



Goo Hara

How do I explain all of my love for you, Princess?


You have stolen my heart. Please don't give it back.


Dear Hara,

It's been a month that we've been together but I feel like its been years. Everything about you is absolute perfection. There is nothing bad about you, everything you say or do is wonderful. You have the prettiest smile ever, the most beautiful girl i've ever seen for sure. Im so glad that you have decided to move in with me because now I get to sleep with you in my arms, knowing you're safe. You give me the butterflies and make my stomach turn. Your hugs are so sweet and your kisses are even sweeter. No matter what happens I will always be there for you through thick and thin. There is nothing in this world that will ever change my feelings for you. Im so glad that you said yes when I asked you to marry me and I cant stop smiling at the fact that you'll be mine past forever. I thought the first day meeting you was the best day of my life but I know that exchanging our vows will be even better. So I want you to always remember that, Im absolutely crazy about you and most importantly, Im absolutely in love with you.
I have fallen for you, literally.



