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About Me




layout made by @ vinegar
〈 unlovable

hello, most of you guys know me as krystal or stal, soojung, junggie, etc. pfft. i bet most of you guys don't even know me by that, and you just happen to scroll down my profile. well, nice to meet you stalker. i hope you add me and we can be best of friends okay? like really - i need friends. #5everloner boohoo
i write stories, it's lame so please don't check them out. 
i also roleplay, but only as krystal for now sadly... whispers. i tried roleplaying as others but failed - big time. maybe it's because i feel like stal and i have the same personality, so i can be myself.
yes, this account is my brand new main account. do i give out a 'new' aura - if i do, sorry. but don't try to play tricks on me - i've been through them before. if you're just gonna add me to advertise on my wall, please don't. last but not least, just come talk to me and be my friend - i'll give you cake pmsl.