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About Me



princess luhan was here. < 3





hello, you have been hacked!
hey you lil . haha, I'm just kidding. <3 you know i love you a whole lot, like I'm not even joking. you're such an important friend to me now. and can you believe it - we met in december. it's been three months, how on earth are we so close already? all in all, i love talking to you, you're so much fun. i love rp-ing with you, i love telling you things about my life and i love it when you tell me things too. whether it's life in general, all the fun things, all the bad things - everything. I'm glad i can be here for you when you need me. at least, i try to the best of my ability to always be here because i want you to know that you can and will always be able to depend on me. I'm always here for you alright? even if the whole entire world turns back on you, I'll always have your back and be here to catch you when you fall. i love you as a friend to the max suho. #surong forever right? haha! <3