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About Me

el oh el? el oh el.
you might never see this, you little shut.
+ updated every 24 hrs.


so the story went like this;
1. we fell in love, but along the way we hit some harsh,bumpy roads that permanently damaged us.
2. we kept trying, not because we were desperate - okay maybe a little bit, but we tried because we love each other.
3. doubts; it was more of insecurities that depressed us and drove us through possessive insanity.
4. tfios - it led us to the start of a new relationship, we based our story like hazel and augustus.
5. where are you now? don't forget me, not yet.
6. i'm jealous of everything - of all the guys you talk about, the cute ones you see at a park, the ones you date in rps.
7. we tried to do cute couple things but our attempts were huge failures. i found it cute how you tried so hard anyways, it meant a lot to me.
8. i got the chance to celebrate your birthday with you.
9. i attempted to read tfios, but ended up thinking it was boring until you became my inspiration to finish it so i did. and i'm glad i did. you still are that inspiration.
10. you helped me fall in love again, you made me realized my first love was not real love, just child's play. you're my first love.
11. we first met as sehun and taeyeon, then we officially got together as sehun and jessica.