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About Me

forever my jung twinnie.  i love you so much more.
when i saw the daehyun corner on your profile,
i died of happiness. my heart literally skipped a beat
& i melted.  jung daehyun melted like ice cream on a
hot summer day. lolwhut. but i really feel special.  & i want
you to know that you are also very very special & that you
will forever be in my heart.  forever & ever.  looking back at
our wallposts, i can't help but laugh and smile.  our moments
together are precious, irreplaceable, & they are definitely
kodak moments.  we made lots of memories. <3 & they will
always be in my heart as well.  faskfjasf whut even. i wrote a lot 
too o u o.  what you did was more than special <3 it was heart-
warming and i love it. ; u ; as for the secret, you should tell me.
don't make me die of curiosity again. <|3 it's not curiosity kills
the cat anymore.  it's curiosity kills daehyun. you hate me?
harharhar but i love you. e u e -killed and slapped off a mountain-
alien? ; n ; whuteven.  asfjkaksfasf. i will always be there by your side
to protect you and help you.  i love you jung twinnie/stallie. <3
you make me go insane, she gives me so much pain, i won't
be back againnn. -gets killed by btob-