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About Me




hello, you have been hacked!
hey dasom ♥ first off, I'd like to say thank you for helping me out with the event. now secondly - where have you been woman!? i miss talking to you a lot ; ; it's been a while now, but hopefully you're off on your break and enjoying yourself. and oh! we need to talk ; ; did i just say that? but i love talking to you, really. it's a lot of fun, even though sometimes i can be quite the slow and lazy replier. but yeah, i really like talking to you. so hopefully we'll get to have a chance to catch up, wherever you are right now. sometimes i forget you're my child, aha. <3 but i know you are. you gotta remind your appa too. i think he forgets we have a lot of children sometimes. but anyway, mamarong will always love you ^ ^ so lets talk soo, yeah? < 3 love ya lots dasomie.