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About Me






I like the finest things in life, but it doesn't mean that I don't appreciate the simple things too. Hmm, a friendship with me is various stages of intense and aggressive eyebrow wiggling. So be prepared to have your eyebrows exhausted from intense movement ;). I'm weird, random, and erted. Just like all y'all ducks here so I'm probably no surprise, but if I am then aye~ Go ahead and wall post or pm me, I'll welcome you with some hot buns! And by hot buns I definitely mean cakes. And by cakes I mean bread. Because bread is addicting and you like to have it but then you gotta slow it down cause it's not good for you all the time but.. it sure tastes good. If you guys get what I'm tryna hit at, then good job, you get a roll. xD Call me butter cause I'm on a roll, wassup. And aye, I got an ask, finally! Here's my address~ http://ask.fm/ayeaileexo