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About Me


Who Am I + ?

son naeun comes from an opulent family and was always praised for her many achievements yet, she was always the back sheep in her family to smart, at the age of three she won her first academic award, for being able to blow up chicals and that won her, she graduated as the youngest out of collegeand is now a grad studying medicine and bio chemistry by day, and working for solitaire by niight, and has seens been recruited by solitaire as a heart. though don't be fooled by the pretty innocent face of hers she is kind but on the inside smart and diabolical she is what makes your deaths come out as a suicide. so stay, and her good side, and she will try you like gold. she doesn't suffer from favortism but if you're here favorte she will make sure to give you the best of her abilities.  gets along with everyone in her societies, and can blend in very well with others if need be. wanna plot? pm for some ideas.


math  80%


Making your death look accidental 100%


chemistry 85%


blwoing things up 100%



Friend One


Write here. One line.

Friend Two


Write here. One line.

Friend Three


Write here. One line.


  • med major in college right now. 
  • solitaire/ hearts
  • intellectual and talkitive.
  • helping the assisan's making the deaths look like suicides.
  • comes from a wealthy family. 
  • Was the noticed and received many awards for intellegence. 
  • recruited by solitaire to be a heart in the operation. 
  • people find her very comforting to and friendly to talk to but qurky


Hello, I’m naeun.

soitaire, is the group i belong in wear im a heart, im a mad scientist who is studying med school so you better now cross me i can make your death look like a suicide.   .