Personal Message

Hi .

About Me


Hayy there. SunnBunn invaded. Kekeke.
Nah, accually 'cause you forgotten to sign out from your asianfanfics on my comp .
So , ideekay what I should write. But ii think there's a message I want to tell everyone .
"Make sure when you use people's computer, you log out to EVERY SINGLE ONE of your accounts. "
Kay thats all.. LOL. Ideekay where to put the hacking corning but ii shall put it here. Cause Ii can. Merong.
~Baai .  
HEY THERE AGAIN. LOL. So its 24/6/13, and SunnBunn invaded again~ Yayy~
You didn't sign out after we decided to do homework so . Anyways, 
;just wanted to say hi. 
I'm not signing out, doh. Merong. AHAHA
Kay bai ~ Saranghae,
--x 22/7/13 Hack x--
Hey kids~ All of you should really log out of your accounts before you leave someone else's house. ^^. 
Anyways, SunnBunn here. c: . And ii would like to say thank you for the laughs today~ Even though my mum and brother were at home, we literally were cray cray over the computer screen like playing the drag games thing. c:. 
Kay baii, 
I want to read your VIXX fanletter.