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About Me

( ♛ )


Park Sang-Hyun . Otherwise known as Thunder . District 5 - Power . Claymore .
b a c k g r o u n d; Thunder was born and raised as a middle classed child in the District of Power ( 5 ) to a mother, father, and older sister. His father always had a famous motto he'd remind his family of daily, which soon became Thunder's way of life:
" People born into District 5 aren't just here cause of fate, but because God knows where to place everyone with power. "
Thunder's father would lavish his kids in words of wisdom, and remind them daily of how much he loved them. But even with this, Thunder always found himself closer to his mother. Although his father was a very loving man, he'd constantly find himself disappointed with Thunder, as when it came to training, he'd be exceeded by his elder sister, whom he had no trouble loving. His mother, however, would support him endlessly, and took it upon herself to give him personal lessons when his father or sister wasn't watching. On top of this, Thunder carried the trait of his mother; catching illnesses easier than most. Though the illnesses began basic, they'd escalate into full blown 'pull-your-kids-out-of-school-and-isolate-them-from-the-outside-so-they-do-not-become-sick' condition. This caused Thunder to be socially deprived as he grew up. His family was this way till he hit 12, when his sister was called to represent District 5 in the Hunger Games. When she did not return home, his father refused to accept the reality, and changed his ways on Thunder. He became colder and more abusive, reminding Thunder of his sister's death, pushing him to reach for power to take his revenge. At first, because he was young, Thunder was shocked by this new father figure and rejected it resentfully, causing him to grow even closer to his mother as she became even more loving towards Thunder. Sadly, the treachery of Thunder's life was not over. 3 years later, his mother passed due to the complications of the heart, leaving only him and his even more twisted father. Thunder's father broke out in rage, blaming everything on anything, but mainly The Capitol, for taking his wife and daughter. He soon dug this thinking into Thunder, training him for the games harder than ever before. Dodging the future years of The Reaping, Thunder sought the year when he was fully capable of battle, and volunteered at The Reaping this year, seeking to win as honor to his mother and sister.

p e r s o n a l i t y; Thunder, at most times, comes off as arrogant, cold, and blunt. But this is not because he is a heartless person, rather because he was so socially awkward as a child, he cannot express himself well with others or around people. Past his calmly violent exterior, Thunder is a rather gentle and kind soul. He does not bring death to the innocent, and enjoys being at peace and harmony with the world. He is rather respectful of women, and can become easily embarrassed or flattered when told the right things. However, he is not weak. Thunder can pick apart his strengths and weaknesses, acknowledges those who help him, and paces himself with balance so he does not grow tired or wiry. He is fairly smart, and can work around issues well, but prefers to work alone. Opposing this, it is complicated for people to grow close or even approach Thunder, as he can be serious, focused, and takes matters a bit more literal than most. Thunder searches for a family, and is the most warm and loving when he is surrounded by those he cares for, but that was locked away due to the deaths and conditions of his family. Overall, Thunder is a good person, caged in the eyes of revenge and sorrow.

s t r e n g t h s; Thunder excels in close ranged battle. His style is quick and simple, he feels it's a waste to drag out a battle longer than necessary. Thunder's hearing is rather sensitive, making it easy for him to pick up small sounds. His hesitation is unique, making it more easier for him to end any life that threats his own. He has the ability to become nearly camouflaged with dark surroundings, such as shadows and/or small, tight areas. Thunder's hand to hand combat along with his weapon usage is also sharp and keen, having been trained since he was six years old.

w e a k n e s s e s; Thunder ranks low when it comes to far ranged battle. He lacks in the abilities to heal and/or hunt for "live" food ( meaning animals that are living ). When he does hesitate, he finds it's either because he has grown too close to someone, or they remind him of his mother. Thunder also is more troubled battling women over men, but it is not impossible. Aside from running, Thunder isn't suited for special flips, kicks, or jumps, meaning he much rather prefers low, even grounds over high, ridged cliffs. He can also become ill easily, so he tends to avoid anything poisonous or infected. Lastly; anyone Thunder promises to protect is a weakness to him, and when he realizes this, he rationalizes between betrayal or trust.

t r i v i a; Thunder is depicted as having dark black hair, usually worn in an mohawk style as seen in the image above ^. His eyes are brown, and his body is tall yet muscular and built. He has no tattoos, scars, or birthmarks; but two pierced ears where he wears small diamond studs. Thunder sports a necklace, held by a small chain with a yang sign dangling below, the other half ( yin ) missing, as it was a pair necklace his sister both wore and had given to him the day he was born. Because he can get lonely at times, Thunder can be a bit childish and play with himself or  talk to himself.

h e r e ' s  a  m a p , n o w  f i n d  m y  h e a r t; none at the moment.



