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About Me

chapter one 
 i've been wearing this mask ; 
since birth, jaejoong has always be a hard worker.  his father was famous for the many companies he could trade with and run,
while his mother was known for her fashion clothing lines. everyone knows who the kim's family is, and how their son, jaejoong,
would soon be someone successful as well.

unlike most of the members in his family, jaejoong is a sweetheart. from a early age, he was always in love with helping others and volunteering whenever 
he was allowed to. his grandfather was the one who really gave him the push he needed to follow his dreams in becoming a male surgeon or nurse.
although his is known for his extremely good looks, he isn't worried about the money. 
having fancy cars, houses, and eating at the top and most fancy restaurants isn't what makes him happy. he just wants to find a girl who loves him for who he is, 
and not his money or looks.