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About Me

Kim Hyun Ah


Hyuna was one of the silent types when she was younger. She didn't like talking to other people and remained alone and off to herself. She hated problems and needless drama. Such things she disposed of quickly and quietly. Hyuna lived with only her Dad at the time who she knew lead a double life. She never brought up the fact that she knew what he was doing is his free time only because she loved playing with his 'toys'. Because she started using such dangerous weapons at so young, she because skilled in weapon handling and could certainly hold her own. Skills and such she didn't flaunt like her other idiot classmates. If she did It would ruin any chance she had of following in her fathers footsteps.

One day when she was playing with a couple of her fathers pistols a man knocked on the front door with bad news. Her father was dead. That's what he told her at least, though she knew better. He was actually killed. She was so furious that as soon as the door closed she trashed the place out of anger because she knew she would have to go stay with her mom, which she dreaded. The woman was a drug addict. She new life wouldn't be pretty from her on out.

As she arrived at her mothers house she saw empty bottle and bags full of I-don't-know-what. She quickly knew she'd despise every last minute of her time here. That night when she was asleep her mothers 'boyfriend' snuck into her room and tried to take advantage of her. She scream and ordered him to get away from her and he refused to listen. She took her pistol that she always kept under her pillow and shot him two times. Once in the chest, and another in the head. Her hands began to tremble as she saw all the blood in the floor. She fled her mothers place quickly with all her things. She then disappeared, without a trace.


Currently Hyuna is the CEO of her very own company Code Blue. She built it up from the group up. She didnt have any help from any special connections. If you asked her how she did it she wouldnt exactly tell you. She would have no way. She doesnt like to talk about what she did to get where she was. She doesnt like to talk about the little impurites in life. Code Blue is a company that has many branches. Currently, it holds rights to a new modeling agency Sakura Blossoms, a entertanment agency Whos Got Talent, a dance agency SMB Dance. It soon will be hosting a new Auto Industry. More details on that later.

Becasue of her past and current present. Hyuna isnt one for emotions. She doesnt really like them. In her eyes they are weak little things that control the thoughs and actions of the human body. She doesnt mean to come off cold but when you are in a happy conversation you expect the other to smile right? Wouldnt it be weird if you told a joke and everyone laughed but one person? And Hyuna is that one person. Key reason to why she doesnt have many friends. She doesnt want to make them. She doesnt want to smile. She really doesnt. She doesnt like to. But one can only hold there emotions for so long... Who will be the one to revel them?

Can You Handle It?

I am Jiyongual

Straight | Taken | Crushing




Special People

|| Jiyong Kwon || Idiot || Oppa ||

This is my idiot. This is my Oppa. This is my dummy.

Remember that because I'm not to fond of sharing.

If happiness could be described in a word it would be:


|| Choi Junyong || Maknae || Little Brother || Ototo ||

|| Kris || Oni-kun || Dummy || ert ||






HyunA | Gayoon | Sohyun | Jiyoon | Jihyun

