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About Me


Whuuuuuuuuuuut? He's perfect. ಠ_ಠ

I know that no ones purfectu, but for me he is && just deal with it. ಠ_ಠ



About --asdfghjkl:

R I K E S : O u O

laying around, talking, cuddling, and laughing all night with someone who's a good friend. photography. the moon, when it shines red. strawberries, Strawberry Shortcake, anything that's strawberry. all of my friends, who I adore, and who have touched my life in various ways. memories of the good times of my life.my family, and all the support they've given me. (sometimes they are ers though ಠ_ಠ) reading and writing stories. Music. sleeping in. being up late at night. being happy && friendly, sometimes mean ಠ_ಠ. sitting in front of a fire on a cold winter day. snowball fights. stuffed animals. watching the stars, and looking for shooting stars. rainbows. sunrises and sunsets. real people. pokemon. Harry Potter. roleplaying. lightning storms. computers. christmas. dolphins. puppies. kittens. bunnies. dreaming. driving (yesh, I drive a scooter && bike, and just deal with it. ಠ_ಠ) singing. (yesh, I sing. got a problem with that? no? gewd. ಠ_ಠ) hugs. people who accept me as I am, without any questions. fewd. Yang Yoseob&&Greyson Chance. KPOP.

G E T A W A Y F R O M M E : ಠ_ಠ
early mornings. insensitive people, who refuse to attempt to understand. people who use people.cheating in relationships. betrayal. fingers on a chalkboard or even cardboard being ripped up, each give me the chills. depression. arguing with someone who's just as stubborn as I am. rumors and gossip."friends", who aren't true friends. my own insecurity. the way mom's dog barks at nothing, for hours. feeling like a complete failure. being termed a "". attemping to let go of the past, and not being able to. abuse, whether it be phsyical, mental, ual, emotional, or verbal. facings things that are difficult for me, yet knowing I must face them regardless. being social phobic. being sick. bugs, especially spiders and bees. being self-conscious. biting my finger nails. judgemental people. guys who just want , yew stupid piece of sh*t ಠ_ಠ. drunk drivers, they do kill people. criminals. . getting into the shower, only to find there isn't any hot water left. cold waterbeds. feeling as if your life has no direction. broken promises. never feeling good enough. moving a lot, across the country. being out with friends, who have someone, while having no one yourself. finding out that someone you believed was your friend, doesn't like you at all. watching people I care about get hurt repeatedly in unhealthy relationships. social phobia. trying to explain to someone how you are feeling, while they completely ignore you. really looking forward to something, and hoping so much that your dreams will come true, only to have it all completely shatter. finding out that what you held most dear in your life was never real to begin with. confusion, not being able to understand anything, even yourself and your own feelings.
Yang Yoseob (B2st's Main Vocalist && Mah Hubby):
Aweeee, isn't he cute? Asdfghjkl. I rike his cuteness && childishness. B2st's Beautiful was the first MV that I saw of all the B2st's videos && I was rike: Ohmaygawsh~ The maknae ish a hottie && a cutie. /le points to Yoseob. So, that taym, I began liking Beast. I started listening to their songs && I download all their songs, or maybe not all && put it in my phone. Until, one day I googled them && when I found out that Son Dongwoon, mah boyfiie (just deal with it. ಠ_ಠ) was the maknae. O_O 
About Yoseob's voice, it's soooooo angelic. /fangirls. I kept on dreaming about me && him having a duet, yesh I know that one ish not gonna happen but just deal with it. ಠ_ಠ I think it's August or whatever, last year, I found this video "I Remember" by Yonggukie & Him. Gosshh! /le faints. Yoseob's voice ish soooo --asdfghjkl (ohoho, see what I did there? ) And, Yongguk's rap ish soooo amazzziiinnnggggg! At first, everything in mah lifeu ish normal, but then when I saw B2st's Yoseob Yang, romance started. Haha, loljk C: I started drooling over him && starting to daydream about him, like, right nao. /daydreams about mah le husband, Yoseob. ಠ_ಠ just deal with it.
About myself O u O:
(whuuuuuuuut? chu're not interested in meh? D; --asdfghjkl, =3= GTFO if yew dun rike meh.)
Hey peeps, I'm Jessica Lee and I'm not Korean ;n; It's just that, yeah Lee ish mah family name. /nod nod. 
I'm was born on December 19, 1997. /giggles. I have the same burthday with B2st's Yong Junhyung, isn't it cool? O u O. I was born in London and we migrated here in, New York but nao we're in Texas. Well, that's why mah baby Greyson made a song for me it's called "Little London Girl", because I was born in London, hahaha, loljkjk c: But, I wish it was for me though O u O /giggles.
So, yeaaaaaaaaaaah. Imma happy but lazeehh girl, /nod nod. I'm always bored and mah mind ish always blank && don't ask why because mah mind ish blank naaao. Loljk c: I promised mahself to be forevah alone, because I dun rike getting hurt by some guys chu know that ಠ_ಠ Soooo, whaaaaaat should I saaay naaoo? /le thinks. Dang it~ Mah mind ish blank right naaoo, I mean scratch that, I'm always blank. /nod nod. && just deal with it ಠ_ಠ
Okaaay, peeeps~ Lemme see yew put chur hearts up 
[ish still under construction ಠ_ಠ]
bye for nao, peeps. c: /poof.