if your bias got married, what would you do?

  • A) i would keep supporting them   (23 votes)
  • B) i would cry for the rest of my life   (1 votes)
  • C) i would leave my fandom   (1 votes)
  • D) i would try harder to stay strong   (6 votes)
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That's also another reason Angel doesn't read fan fics about G-Dragon she hates the idea of someone being with him ._.
She has her own fan fic of G-Dragon in her head.. Called Kwon Ji Yongand Kwon Cheonsa forever and ever starring.. Angel and G-Dragon.. and no one else is ever in there.. ._. Yup this poll just got real
I'm suppose to be doing my essay.
I would support GD but honestly I would be more than upset and try to be strong. I mean no one really is good for him so it'd just be hard to support him.. SO I would support him but secretly hope they don't work out? Yeah. ._. Exactly, Angel is a little too much into G-Dragon that the thought of him without anyone but her .. Just makes her think that they'll never ever work out.. LIKE EVER..
but then again this question said they got married.. Maybe he married me? So, then I would definitely support us.
jjk_wife #3
I'll be really really upset but I'll still support them.
I would be soooo happy if they married! <3