If you're about to lose someone forever would u....(please comment because i'm loosing someone important to me...)

  • A) Hang on to them tightly   (3 votes)
  • B) Let them go   (1 votes)
  • C) Let them know how much you love them   (10 votes)
  • D) Spend the last moments together...   (5 votes)
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I used to let go, then regret of letting go.
I don't know... I just want to hang on them tightly, I won't let that one person go away from me. Because I know that person must be hard living without me as I live without him/her. so let's just stay together forever instead of stay together for a short period and let go.
BunnyBandit16 #2
I wanted to pick C and D but I picked D because for their last moments I'd want to spend it with them and make them happy and make some more memories before they pass on