Would you like to see an alternative ending wherein Wheein and Byul ends up together?

  • A) Yes   (134 votes)
  • B) No   (61 votes)
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rocketeerway20 #1
You made my cry at 3am in the morning.
pieces33 #2
I loved it...the ending was great. Thank you for writing the story!!
YulFamily #3
There's a moment when I thought Wheein and Hyejin could be ended up together. Hyejin cares a lot for Wheein tho. 😢
viridaria #4
Yeassssss for the alternate ending, it gives me an excuse to re-read it. I did miss having more content when Wheebyul started dating. But that's just me being greedy. I do love wheebyul stories and the way you write them, so I'm at your mercy.