Are you a soft stan or a hard stan for your bias?

  • A) soft stan!   (118 votes)
  • B) hard stan!   (96 votes)
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I had a senerio where I had all the boys as my parents sibling friends. basically a community and none as bf. like, suho is my dad, kyungsoo is the mom, Kris is the sibling con older brother, sehun is the younger brother, etc. it was fun
what is the difference??
pls tell me someone
I am a hardstan but i didn't think or want in this case to my bias tbh i just likes to think my bias as my bf or my bff OR my brother or all in one hahaha so i don't know if i'm a hard stan or soft stan :D
Hahahaha I know why soft stan wins; kpop fandoms are filled with bl hardcore shippers and thus they'd rather have their ships sailing versus having their biases all to themselves lmao