What is your favorite fic of mine?

  • A) No Regrets (Shine Bright)   (37 votes)
  • B) Love Dealer/Love Killer   (79 votes)
  • C) Destinare   (23 votes)
  • D) other (plz tell me what it is in the comments!)   (26 votes)
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jioxxx #1
Please don't let Destinaire high and dry, authornim T T I'm so in love with the image of Kai in the fic I keep thinking about it T T
MiauWoo #2
I've read them all and I love them all, BUT, Destinare is my favorite, even if its not finished yet :3
actually I want to vote for all of them.but there's no "all" button.
finally I decide to click on nrsb bc of the counts of repetition I reread that kkkkk..
but just so you know. I lllovvvee all of them.
Ohteiwanmei #4
I love all of your stories, but mafia leader Kai is too amazing to pass up :^))
Was a really close call between No Regrets and LD/LK, but I gave the former the edge just because it's the one I reread most often. It's easier to root for Sekai in that fic since they're both super sweet and rather ~fated, if you know what I mean. You could say there's a great deal of fate surrounding their circumstances in LD/LK too, but there's also so much manipulation on Kai's (and others') part that it's probably in Sehun's best interest to get the away from all of them lmao. Still, I can't deny how much the Sekai dynamic in LD/LK works for me, as long as I remember how dysfunctional it is. XD
sekaiway1 #6
I loved all of them but love dealer was especially great! but i think im enjoying destinaire a bit too much nowadays it being omegaverse and whatnot hha so ill choose that :))) but really all of them are great in their own ways ^_^
I love them alllllll!
But since i had to choose one......i went with Love dealer.... i discovered u through that awesome fic! <3
hunhannokizuna #8
I voted but I haven't had the oppurtunity to read love dealer *is sad and waiting for an invitation*
But I really love Destinare so far and I really can't wait to read the next chapter!

Thanks for your hardwork^^