Content Guidelines Violation

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Dear Asianfanfics Staff,
I would like to address an issue I have seen on Asianfanfics and in this story in particular. I have seen in this story that this author has used inappropriate and offensive words. For example, in Chapter 22, they used "retarded" and in Chapter 24 used "". These are very derogatory words and I think that the author should have to at least change the words. This sort of language and casual use of offensive terms should not be allowed anywhere, and I would be ashamed to be using a website that allows such hate speech. I really hope the author can at least be contacted and informed of what they are doing wrong and asked to change their words, if not I would hope there would be a penalty. Luckily, most of the work I have read on this site have not used such offensive terms, but if I continue to see no changes made to reported works, then I will have to boycott Asianfanfics and will advise others not to use it. I really hope it will not come to this because I believe that it is a privilege to be able to write creatively about whatever one pleases, but when some start to use insulting terms I believe they should be punished and should be taught about the causal setting that they have used these disrespectful terms. I think with small changes like this we can make this online community more open and accepting of all people.
A concerned reader and member.