Comments: Oasis

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Chapter 22: How dare you make me login after more than a year to this hell site. Anyway, sad to hear in the intro to the summary that the stress of the fandom really got to you. You can give sufficient warning to someone that they’re probably not going to enjoy the content you’re writing but still they’re go in there and make a big fuss like they’re surprised and how dare you. It’s like, damn, let people enjoy fiction. Anyway, I’m happy that you posted the whole plot! I can tell how well crafted and how much thought you put into it. I know a lot of fics tend to just be made up along the way. But you really had a huge extensive thread going throughout. You also had a definite theme too with equality and breaking boundaries. AND THR AMOUNT OF YEARNING AND ANGST MAKES ME SO HAPPY. The ending is really satisfying and I like how you could feel each character was really their own person and had a role beyond just being a side character. Each one gets an ending that makes sense and I’m just so happy for Junhong. Also the whole thing with Himchan being an omega but having alpha tendencies was really interesting and made sense this could possibly occur from the science. Oh oh and herchul’s slow descent into madness and how he’s not just a black and white character! Thanks!!
NaDaeHyun #3
Chapter 22: There are a lot of things I want to say but I am really not good with words. I just want to tell you that I am sorry to hear you've been harassed like that. These stupid keyboard warriors are just envious octopuses who wish to write as WELL as you do and they are also stupid because they are not able to naturally accept people's preferences and think the world has to go the way they want .-. ANYWAY I followed (I STILL DO AND ALWAYS WILL) all your accounts and I have read ALL your daejae fics and I honestly adore you, I love your plots and the way you write and literally all your fics. I wish writing daejae fics would have been a happier thing for you and I am sorry it was ruined by those molluscs. Please never think that you are not enough, if you still want to write daejae fics (please dooo) I hope you can do it without feeling anxious and that you can really ENJOY it because I can assure you that whatever you wrote till now is amazing and also what you will post in the future will be just as amazing if not more. Just the way it is ♡ I'll always happily wait for the other ongoing fics' new updates if you still wanna write them and I'll support you and leave more heartfelt comments ^^ I hope you'll enjoy writing them again ;__; thank you for everything and for this chapter too. I am glad daejae got together ♡ I have loved this fanfic so much and re-read it so many times, honestly I appreciate all your hard work and also your decision to upload this chapter with the whole plot. It means the world to me and to us readers ;_; we honestly will never be able to repay you for the amazing works you showed us and tbh in my opinion you are the master of daejae fics. Thats it I SAID IT. U_U thank you for all these years I have been REALLY happy thanks to you and enjoyed fanfics because of you. ♡
LoveBabyCass #4
Chapter 22: Wow, my tears!!! As much as i would have wanted these to be written like how you wrote each chapter, this is more than enough. Thank you so much for coming back and giving us this plot. I hope you're doing great and is in so much of a better place now. Your writing is amazing, i hope you believe in yourself a little more
Chapter 22: Damn friends im sobbing.
Chapter 22: omg i legit got goosebumps the first time i read it, especially since i'd reread this fic recently. like wow??? this story was so well planned, you put so much thought into this. it's so complex but in a good way. i'm seriously amazed but i really shouldn't have expected any less from YOU, the queen of our daejae fics fandom <333
i feel like crying for daehyun ;____; like we all knew from the beginning that youngjae must've suffered a lot as a kid, and we'd seen a lot from his side of story, so while it did hurt, it didn't really came off as a surprise. but daehyun man ;_______; didn't expect him to have such an unhappy life because never once did he complaine about it. to be hated by the two people he thought were his parents from such a young age, the people who were supposed to love him unconditionally, and yet he still grew up to be such an amazing human being *clenches heart* i legit would've cried if you'd actually written down everything in details, especially the part where youngjae kept denying him. i probably would've wanted to strangle youngjae HAHAHAHAHA youngjae wouldn't have softened either if it weren't for daehyun sgshsjjs I LOVE HIM. my heart hurts just from imagining how he must've felt when youngjae told him they were related UGH YUNHO THAT VILE MAN. like when he thought he'd finally get to be truly happy for once, it got ruined. but at least youngjae wasn't in denial anymore at that point huhu im so so glad they found happiness in each other ;____; i remember youngjae saying that he would never want to have a child, so for him to finally decide to have one with daehyun must've meant he was truly happy and at ease. he even played a part in starting a small revolution sobs MY BABIES IM SO PROUD OF THEM
im also very happy youngjae was able to see heechul for one last time ;___; heechul was as much of a victim as jaejoong was. he only wanted to protect his children and he regretted it his whole life so it wouldn't be fair to put all the blame on him. i wish he had a happier ending but at least he's in a better place now
YUNHO WAS SUCH A HYPOCRITE i hate him so much щ(`Д´щ;) he didn't deserve to be forgiven so easily. he probably would've killed youngjae if he hadn't found out youngjae was his son right? he's the one responsible for both jaejoong and heechul's sufferings and his love for jaejoong was literally his only redeeming quality HE DESERVED TO SUFFER MORE especially after finding out youngjae was his son, he even still had the audacity to try to separate him from daehyun, the man who'd done more for youngjae than yunho could ever wish for. thank god youngjae's love for daehyun had grown stronger by then and he knew that daehyun never did anything wrong and didn't deserve to be treated that way
you're so amazing for being able to give such a complex story a happy ending while keeping it realistic THUMBS UP thank you so so much for posting this and giving us a closure when you could've just abandoned this story and moved on. it really means so much i wish i could give you a hug ;____; im so sorry you had to go through what you did just. harassing you just because you didn't cater to their preferences ヽ(`д´;)/ i hope it doesn't bother you anymore and you're happier now! <3 you've done so much for the daejae fandom so don't feel bad about not being able to continue writing anymore, if anything it's us who owe you so much. our daejae shipper lives wouldn't have been the same without you. one of the first few fics that got me so deep into daejae was yours (Lucked out) and you were also one of the reasons why i found happiness in shipping daejae all these years. im so so grateful to have had the chance to get to know you and enjoy your works. i really could never thank you enough for everything you've done for me and the fandom ;____; I LOVE YOU XUE
Karly155 #7
Chapter 22: Thank you for bringing closure to the story and keeping your reminders in mind. At first the plot of Oasis caught my attention, but it was your way of writing that kept me hooked! The plot didn’t matter, because I was so invested in your character development, every character felt human because you focused on their flaws just as much as their charm. Knowing the ending helps me appreciate all the time and effort you put into the plot, it’s a well developed drama! I recently developed anxiety when writing so I’m inspired with your strength to bring the story to an end. It’s not easy, so I’m very thankful as well. At the same time, I wish you lots of happiness! Going forward, I hope you have lots of positive experiences! I hope writing the story brought you happy memories like the ones you created for your readers!
Jessamine10 #8
Chapter 22: Oh my god, just reading the plotline had me bawling so early in the morning. As a reader I'm very thankful that you gave this story closure and not leaving it hanging eventhough you didn't have to.
Hope you'll have a good day, because I did after reading this :D
Fngrl123 #9
Chapter 22: Woah. That was amazing! Such incredible plot!
Thank you so much for this. ^_^ I'll forever be a fan of your writing.
Chapter 22: Sis. Name the ones harassing you I'd fight them.
It's sad but I can relate.. You really want to finish your stories but the words just can't come out and when they do they just feel so different from what you've imagined. I can relate that and I'm so frustrated and upset too..
Oasis is one of some fics that I remembered and will always remember the most. It's been YEARS! I'm tearing up. You won't believe how much I love the storyline and how much I talked about this fic with my friend up till now! Just yesterday I was sad wondering wether Oasis and some other b.a.p fics will ever be updated with how the situation is rn..
You did a really good job. You've written this, and your other stories so damn well that I got all excited every time you updated. Thank you so much for sharing this story here! Really, thank you.
It's been a hard time for all of us..
Let's be happy and healthy! Ily!!<3
frenetic #11
Chapter 22: Wow...what a well-thought-out plotline. I'm so impressed with the rich, angsty, convoluted backstory. I would have loved for Oasis to be completed but just reading the plotline and the happy daejae ending is satisfying in itself. Thanks so much for posting this...I'm sure you just made a lot of Oasis fans smile!
natasha07 #12
Chapter 21: I really love this story. Your writing style is amazing. I really felt sad for all the characters. I love this amazing relationship between Youngjae and Daehyun. I have no words for it. this isn't my first time reading it. i miss the story alote. pls update it...........
Chapter 11: I miss this?
Hello dear. I really miss your amazing story. Even for years, I still remember this story. Do comeback to us please TT_TT
Chapter 21: I've been waiting for this for two years and yet it doesn't get out of my mind. Your writing is really beautiful and really hope you'd continuee =D
DaeJaeGyu #16
Chapter 21: I really hope u can update soon .. this story is so beautiful
duapuluhlima #17
It exactly 1 year and 3 months since the story's last updated. I miss this story (:
Sinii92 #18
Chapter 21: Hope for more TT
NaDaeHyun #19
I miss this ♡
Chapter 21: If this wasn't the cutest chapter ever