Comments: No Money

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Chapter 25: Aigooo.... They met.... Finally
stargyu #2
Chapter 25: I........Am so speechless huhuhu finally!!!!!!! After all of the struggles!!! Aaaaaa can it endless?? Kkkk
Im sobbing rn huhuhu
Saravy #3
Chapter 25: I loved everything about this chapter! The , the meet up, Shim Chang-effing-min, the proposal(again?), and everything else was superb dear! I'm so happy for Kyu, after all he's been thru he's having his happy time. Yay!! Siwon's jealousy is so funny! Scary, cause I don't want him to hurt Min, but funny none the less.^^

So this will be ending soon? I thought you might be writing this for a while longer, but no matter I love it no matter what. :D
TallGirl #4
Chapter 25: OMG!!! This chap is so freaking beautiful *cries
nippy2002 #5
well done. I liked how their story progress and you took time to develop it. loved stories where siwon is really jealous and.domineering.
Chapter 25: Uwaaah.. what a sweet chapter dear :D
It brought me to tear when siwon said kyu can meet up with changmin :')
i felt like it was so real, you couldn't meet with your best friend after hectic moments and suddenly you could meet up.. woaah...
and what kind of proposal is that mr choi ? >.<
you are not romantic at all kkk~
ooh about wonkyu moments in ss5ina, i was witness it with my own eyes.. you know that feel dear, i was tremble and just let my jaw dropped.. their gestures, their loving stares, their hugs.. they're freaking real i tell you ! :D
thanks for the update and good luck with your internship :)
Chapter 25: Please changminnie..undersrand your bestfriend'll be happy if kyunnie happy right???
Kyunnie must be happy if he has siwon as a husband and you as his bestfriends forever......
Chapter 25: Funny way to propose Siwon. :)) But at least Kyuhyun accpeted it. Great job! Worth the wait. Keep them coming ok? :)

Hwating for the OJT! :)
ucingucing #9
Chapter 25: god...... i'm soooo happy that they finally happy. but why i'm the one who wants to cry bcos this story will end soon... heyy... why don't u ummm maybe think about "the after married" story?? seriously, this is as hard as the final book of harry potter. i'm not kidding
Beniikyuwon #10
Chapter 25: So you have a y Guy Kidnapping you and asking you to be his wifu? Owww, can't wait. This fic is lovely as always :3 They are finally happy and together? I remember when this started. It was just a one-shot and I loved it, and then you decided to write this long story <3 Thank You <3
katharine #11
Chapter 25: this chapter was amazing.
please next time update soon,i can't wait every time a whole month,
please update more soon.
Chapter 25: This chapter makes me cry a river... Siwon finally propose, well he wasn't asking. It's more of an order but still sweet.
Thank you for writing such an amazing piece, one of my favorite fanfic I've ever read & you're one of my fave authors. I should learn from you...
Will be waiting for the next chapter
marmice #13
Chapter 25: when you said the end is near I feel like tearing up..

I am so emotional now, boohooohooohooohooo

anyway, great chap as always.. You update once a month but it is ALWAYS worth the wait..

p.s : fighting for the internship author-nim!!!
bebwonkyu #14
Chapter 25: Kyaaa... Love it.. I'm speechless.. So much Happiness :)

Thank you for updating
Chapter 25: yes ss5 wonkyu moment amazing for two days ss5 INA and thankyu for great chap update the y scene was so hot and changmin so funny with he's mom :-Dwonkyu love so powerful while i'm reading i can feel it and the proposal so unique love it <3<3and the end soon??? and good luck for your internship tc dear love you too <3
silvergalleon #16
Chapter 25: wuaa..
update soon,im curious what will happen next..
Chapter 25: first.. goodluck with your internship!! and ehm.. i kinda missed those wonkyu moments honestly.. i couldn't see them that is..

ahh.. he proposed kyu already and ahh... every chap is always be... you know.. i justlike it so much! and with minnie allowed to be with kyu and the insecurity and wonnie's jealousy.. ahh... i miss this fic!!

waiting for your update :)
SongMinChan #18
Chapter 25: ahhh!!!!! this chapter was solo edging amazing!!!! <33 my wonky feels! I can't believe it! kyaaaa!! so happy! #nosebleed....haha omo...please update soon neh? fighting!!
derphun #19
Chapter 25: Omggg the was hottt, me gusta ;-; Kyu really missed Changmin so much, their interactions was cute. Also I hope Changmin won't hate Kyu after Kyu telling him the whole truth... Andd there's only one man in Kyu's heart and that's Siwon ^_^ finallyyy they're getting married huhuhu can't wait for the next chap! (oh and i'm sad bc this fic is about to end)
Chapter 25: I hope that they will marry and be happy, but this is one of my favorite stories and I don't want it to end.