Comments: The Outcast Club

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Bangtanshookyeodan #1
Chapter 36: I have been waiting for moths this literally a new account cuz lost my old one and maybe thought that maybe my favorite author could update but noooooo I have to wait-
why should i suffer so much (btw I miss this story)
mdrd361 #3
I miss this fic a lot but I keep rereading the old chapters that I'm still satisfied
july-pupetta #4
hiii i'm i love with your story, i started to read it yesterday and i'm already at chapter 30 XD. i really like your writing style and i love each member of the help a friend club <3. i like yura and her personality,i loved the way she stood up for her friends, nobody has to treat them that way, people don't understand how special their group is, they are really cool,strong and sweet. i'm sure the hfc friendship will be stronger then ever, as you can see i truly love their friendship :D ^_^ . i love yukook? well yura and jungkook interactions, their bickering are so cute and funny, especially when he and the others fight for yura attention XD. i'm looking forward to your next update :D <3
Chapter 36: This is so goood...daebak...pls update got me so curious how the story will turn out..
Chapter 34: Please up date soon!!
Chapter 36: I hope you update soon! I love this fic so much, please continue!!! Fighting!!!
Congratulations on getting featured!
Hihihihijijo_143 #9
Chapter 36: Ur story's awesome! I hope you'll update soon~
Chapter 36: I hope you will update soon!! i'm so curious about Yura right now...
Chapter 32: oh damn, Jungkook... that little moment between Jungkook and Yura at the end.. I just squealed, the feelings is too much to handle..
Chapter 22: I just love the interaction between Yura and Jungkook... they're so cute that I can't stop smiling ear to ear...
Chapter 11: I had teary eyes when I was reading this chap... the lyrics is sooooo sad that I kept choke up on my tears...
Chapter 36: Please update!! I love this!
Chapter 36: Just finished reading up to the last chapter. So much happened and I have so many questions.
First, you said before that each chapter had a sort of moral undertone to teach us but since you mentioned recently that you're sort of winging it, is that not happening anymore? I'm kind of determined to find them all if it's still happening but if not, I can just wait. I probably won't forget because it's a good story and the way you write just builds everything up with open-ended questions that keeps me interested.
Second, who exactly is Haera's boyfriend? Gosh, I want to see him soon.
Third, why are the relationship between Yura and her former friends(?)/acquaintances so tense? What exactly happened?
Fourth, when did Jungkook start liking Yura?
Fifth, JIMIN. Just when and how did he get that prosthetic leg?
Sixth, what will happen during the Club Clash? Is it really such a big deal? Will there be even more drama? Like that Eun Woo guy and the .gif of actress Kim Sae Ron(right?) and Yura. If any of them try to approach each other or accidentally bump into one another, it might get messy... And wow, do I want to see it. And when will the two (Jungkook and Yura) finally get together, gosh darn it?! Everything is so heated right now with them and I just want them to finally...develop, for lack of a better term. (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`) I ship them so much. Yura and V too... They're so cute. Gosh, I ship her with all of them! .°(ಗдಗ。)°.

So many burning questions but hopefully soon, you can wrap some up. I can wait anyway. I'm just as swamped with schoolwork in my end so I won't be idly waiting. Plus look at your other stories! They're all so good, no wonder you have some regular followers. I'll just go do that for a while.
Sort your stuff first and we can wait a while. <(^.^)> You can do it!

P.S. Belated happy birthday? \\\\٩( 'ω' )و ////
Chapter 36: Love this story! Patiently waiting your return <3
good job!!
Chapter 36: Omg I actually really like this story; I binged through it in a couple of hours. It's very unique and you do character development very well. And you just HAD to include Astro didn't you. Now I'm really looking forward to the next chapter, ugh. Dw though, I'm one of the patient readers so I will eagerly await until you update ^o^
Have a good night!!! Rest well~~~<3

Lots of luv /Sakura_99