Comments: Unintended

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Chapter 30: I really don't understand. I thought Kris is really leaving Soojin so it would be fair for Chanyeol but he didn't.

To be honest, I really like the plot so far but when I read the epilogue I already knew from the first paragraph that she was married to Kris, I already fumed up when I read the flashback but then suddenly BAM there's the word 'the end' and I was like 'What??!' And I totally disappointed.

But it is your story and your username makes it clear to how you like to end your story, and I just want to express my feelings.. So... Yeah...
smileypeas #2
Chapter 30: Awesome story awesome ending :) saw "angst" in the tags so I thought it'll have a tragic ending. I'm happy it's a happy ending wheee~~~:3 I have always been rooting for Kris x Soojin since the beginning
SunshineSprings #3
Chapter 30: Ahhh I love it! The messages that you want to show through this story are very thoughtful. And this last chapter was just cute and amazing :) looking forward to reading more stories from you! Thank you for completing this story too.
hunhanBAES #4
Chapter 30: /throws confetties/ Yeayy the end YEHET ! I love your storyyy >~~<
hanbingirls #5
Chapter 30: Whoa it's so far from my expectation... I really hope a sad ending for both soojin and kris but...yeah it's your story anyway authornim.....
Chapter 30: *Round of applause* Congratulations for completing this story. Thank you for writing an amazing story. I envy your writing skills because no doubt you made your readers feel the emotions coming from the characters in here. I cried with them, got frustrated with some and sometime I just wanna jump in the story to strangle them lol. Im so happy that everybody got a happy ending here well besides chanyeol. Hmmm, I wonder what he felt like when Soojin didn't show up to the wedding??

I'm also happy that Sehun and Soorin get their happy ending too. Thank you again Authornim !!
dhevkim87 #7
Chapter 30: Yieeeyy... Thank you for finishing this story authornim.. I love you!! <3 Hope you will make another sequel next time for Sehun and Soorin because I'll always be #teamsoorin :))
Chapter 30: I really love the ending.
Thank you for a great story
And your explanation all make sense.
Thin line between love and obssession. Thats somehow true
You did a great job..

Good luck on your next stories
I'm a fan of your work

I know that you're feeling sad right now. Somehow like losing your inspiration. It understandable. And still you decided to started to write enraptured again. I'm gonna wait.

Thank you so much for a great story.
skyscraper101 #9
Chapter 30: Thanks for the happy ending. I know u would let kris end up with soojin and sehun with soorin. I am so happy :)
Chapter 30: Uwaaaaahhhh i liyerally stared at the screen for a minute. I cant believe i really saw a complete next to the update word. Sobs. Good job anyways! Kris and Soojin deserves the best and hell yeah you rock. Thank you for not giving up on writing this.
Chapter 30: Ohmigosh sooo glad theyre together!!!!
khushi94 #13
Chapter 30: and i knew it i already saw it coming it was all clear that soojin was gonna get kris..oh well guess we dont always get what we want right?
azlin_sml #14
Chapter 30: I'm happy and satisfied with this ending :) Good job!
Chapter 30: Oh god- for heaven sakes this is what I really want for the ending. I think we do have such chemistry when I couldn't disagree on your explanation. I really think that Soojin and Kris deserved that second chance. And yes- even though Chanyeol is my bias but hey; I guess Baekhyun already stated that he's being obsessive, which is not a pure love anymore. And Soorin does deserves such happiness with Sehun as that little brat seemed to understand her and he's the one who made her realized that her loves towards Kris isn't love, but obsession. He saying that not because he wants Soorin to be his; but because he loves Soorin.

By the way- this is such an interesting story and I'm not even regretting reading this or even waited for the next update without feeling all excited. It's just a suggestion if you could make a side story of Sehun on Soorin cause I couldn't stop imagine their wedding day and so on. Hehe.
Chapter 30: SCREAMS.
it's 2:22 am and i'm spazzing, ; w ;
*flips world*
*silent scream*
kyubaby0203 #17
Chapter 30: where is soorin sehun moment? (T^T)
Laumary #18
Chapter 29: this is so sad. I wish someone to oppose this marriage :'(
Chapter 29: I'm sure that I'm not the only one who do not want Kris and Soojin to end up together, I'm not the only one who hate Soojin and Kris, and I'm not the only one who do not pitied them at all. Soojin is such a pain in the , she had caused so much trouble while Kris is such a selfish man.

Anyway, I'm so happy that finally Soorin got her own happiness, Sehun and her make a perfect couple! Thank you Author-nim for the interesting story :)