Comments: The Sometime Around Midnight Series

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DaeJaeGyu #1
Chapter 9: OH MY GOD .. you made my morning with this .. im freaking happy its awesome really .. i cant wait for your updates .. you made me excited
Chapter 9: so freaking fluffy. I can't- asjkhkahd xD
Chapter 9: Can't wait for more! Btw I added u on twitter (Deonne Bolin) :D
lunarmystery #4
Chapter 9: This is just too adorable and fluffy! I can't wait for the next update <3
This au is just amazing! :)
Chapter 8: ahhhh soo cute.. father and son time.. I love it.. Daehyun is just so sweet and conscious of what's around him.. he really wants to shout out to the world that he's happily with Youngjae... =]
LovesAsianDrama #6
Chapter 7: OMG, THIS BOUGHT BACK MEMORIES OF WHEN I TOOK ALL 3 of MY BABIES TO THEIR 1st day of Kindergarten, well their not babies anymore but I remember crying just like Jae and OMG THIS WAS SO FREAKING CUTE!! Dae was to AMAZING being all STRONG but on the inside was just as scared (believe me I know)

And Jongup and Zelo & Zelo's parents, we know who they are BANGHIM ^.^ Their going to be GREAT FRIENDS

LOVED THIS CHAPTER and thank you for the memories
Chapter 8: omg that is so cute.OMG
ABOUT TIME. srsly they love
each other so much,it was
so pure and strong i never
think anth could break them
apart. they have supportive
parents and families and
relatives and so so
lucky,Jongup to mark their
love life,they're just young
but its just wrong if they
dont get married horribly
wrong. they r perfect;; im
glad they seem determined
about it~its weird since they keep this rela pass Jongups 1st school day,but im sure they're ready~
Chapter 8: I'm in love with your stories author-nim. Soooooooo sweet. ❤ And married? Asdfgasdfgasdfg. Thanks for this.~
glade94 #9
Chapter 8: I.LOVE.THIS.CHAPPIE.SOOO.MUCH ♥♥♥♥♥. Daddy Dae is awesome. Update soon~
babyswagger #10
Chapter 8: Omg.... I'm really love this story!!! I've always waiting for the updates :3 fighting authornimm
DinoCarrot #11
Chapter 8: Loved this chapter and can't wait for more!
lunarmystery #13
Chapter 8: Awe this was so sweet!
Welcome back and take your time. I'm always looking forward to you daejae fics <3
GET MARRIED AND HAVE MORE BABIES. UGH. xDD orz DaeJaeJong feels. I can't. ;A; /dies. lol
Chapter 7: OMG let me love you author-nim I die this is too cute /cry/
And that 'Jello-ie' thing is hilarious Uppie is so adorable ;A;
DaeJaeUp is basically killing me by all the fluff ;---;
Look forward to your next chapter :)
Chapter 7: Oh man here I am still squealing and giggling because ugh Daejaeup fluff with Jonglo & hints of Banghim ;w; Im sorry I can't write as much as I badly want to because I just came on here to take a break from studying, but ugh look at me. I'm on my living room floor still smiling like an idiot because I miss my favorite otp fluff moments & you always make me so happy! And what makes it much better is the fact that my request is up next, & I'm much much much more excited than I already am for your beautiful updates <3 I hope you have a lovely week & I'll see you next time ~ <3
lunarmystery #17
Chapter 7: This is just too adorable!! This au is just perfect!! I look forward to your updates!! :)
DaeJaeGyu #18
Chapter 7: OMG THAT'S SO CUTE I CAN'T .. !!!!!!
I told you anything will come from you is awesome .. i like it tooooooo much ..
Jonguppie is so freaking adorable .. DaeJae loooool the way they missed their son .. dae crying hehehhehehe..
And then junhongie and his childish behavious so adorable ..
I died from laughing at the " daddy has a big lips " hehehehe so cute
I love it so much .. i can't wait for the other stories in this universe ;)
Chapter 7: omg baby Jonglo xD~~~~~the adorableness xDDDDD and so Banghim appeared~like,wow lol im so happy they did~fluffy Daejae is too cute ;w; 1st day of school,always memorable for everyone~/sobs/
Sayukim #20
Chapter 7: Thanks for updating, cute fluffy chap <3 can't wait for your next update <3