Comments: Guardian of an Obnoxious

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Chapter 44: Team Luhan because Ahri's relationship with Kai shows signs of an abusive relationship. Seriously though. Luhan's awesome sweetness> Kai's brattiness.
mjsotelo #2
Chapter 29: Holy . This fic is amazing. Update when youcan :)
beautifuljoongie #3
Unnie, update chuseyo!
pixiedragonx #4
Chapter 49: Pls don't give up on this awesome & beautiful story. We will continue to wait for ur update. Hope you r doing well for ur work, hwaiting author nim!!!

P.S. Pls let there be a happy ending for this fic. I dont want to cry heaps at the angst ending if there's ever one.
painting-dreams #5
Chapter 49: oh my god.I love this fic so much,I'm just waiting for the moment when luhan and ahri dicuss that she is actually Minah,it must painful for luhan to watch and relive his life with Ahri.Looking forward to the next chapter!!
xchansoox #6
Chapter 49: hello i honestly do not know whose side im on like im in a dilemma & this fic is beautiful
I'm missing this story... T_T
I hope you're doing fine tho
Lexigould #8
Chapter 49: 5am here but I'm still absolutely captivated by your story....please update eventually <3
Chapter 49: This story is amazingly Gooodd...i LOVEDD unique...i'll be patiently waiting for an update cuz i know it'll be worth it
atiqah95 #10
I do hope someday you will continue this story..... You such a good writer.. I really enjoy reading you story....
eunmialiyah #11
Chapter 16: Its 4:23 in the morniiiiiing.
oh the birds are chirping.
you are an amzing writer.
Chapter 49: Damn u got me hooked on the story. Please do continue it ♡
Silencedshadow #14
Chapter 49: Hi. I started reading your story yesterday and I read the last chapter today. :) i usually don't enjoy stories written in second person, so I was quite surprised when I started reading this, because I really enjoyed it. It made me smile many times and cry a few times and I now can't wait to know what will happen next. I like Ah Ri a lot. I usually like characters to stay true to themselves and Ah Ri is doing the guardian angel part very well. She always puts Kai before herself, and no matter how bad he treats her she always comes back to him and does her job no matter what. As a human that can be incredibly unfair and frustrating and we give up and that's actually the healthy thing to do because a guy like Kai is a really bad choice. But she's not human, she is an angel and her life's purpose is to protect him, independently of how he acts towards her. And I find that amazing, because she never forgets that. There were many times when I wanted to punch Kai in the face and wanted to scream at her not to go back to him, but like I said, that's a human reaction and thinking. We detach ourselves from the people and things that hurt us. I'm glad your're writing her the way you do because I think it's how an angel should act. I do however have a problem with the cursing though. She's an angel, where in the world did she learn such foul language? She had no idea of the need to eat and how to sleep in the beginning, but had no problems with cursing around. I personally think that doesn't go well with the angel character. Neither does excessive violence, but most of if was to protect Kai and sometimes self defense, so I'm not complaining about that, only the cursing. She should not even know what cursing is in the first place. I think that's the only thing that I disliked about the story.
About the romance thing, I think Luhan I like Luhan better than I like Kai at the moment. Kai is the person she came to protect, so he will forever be her priority.
Chapter 49: Oh my god I swear I'm going to die if this story isn't continued... XD please continue this!! I'm so torn between team Luhan and Team Kai and I can't choose and I want to know the ending so at least spoil it for us :3
Chapter 49: I binge-read this story, all in a few hours, and i was so frustrated to see it not have more and more chapters TT_TT...I know, we readers are being greedy. Hopefully, your job works out for you, and if you have time, you can bless us with another chapter XDDD
shinminra05 #17
Chapter 49: Author-nim..... I'm still waiting here for the update, fyi

Your patient reader

Chapter 49: Hey heyy~~
New reader here!
Your story is soo fluffyyyy! Ughhh....
And don't worry authornim, I'll wait patiently u_u

My exams will keep me distracted *sobs*
Chapter 49: i'm hanging, i'm dying. i love this story, really. it was well written. beautiful i must say haha. authornim, please take your time. i'm willing to wait for the next chapter even though i'm not a patience type of girl haha. love you! ❤❤❤
Chenniepotato #20
Please come back soon D: I'm dying with the waitt