Comments: The Sky Is The Limit || Writing Contest (CLOSED)

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Chapter 32: May I join? I don't think I'll make it past the first round but it's worth a shot. ^^

Hearts please.
Chapter 32: This looks like a lot of fun!
I choose....
Chapter 32: i want to join please~

spades is my password
Chapter 32: I'll join! I choose hearts. This is exciting!!
Chapter 32: this is a really interesting way of doing things so i want to try my hand out on this. i'll choose clubs and send a request to each of the judges, just in case. ; u ;
Chapter 32: OMG This is absolutely brilliant! Count me in! :D Spades~
Chapter 32: I'd like to try, so clubs :) And I guess I'll send requests to all judges~
Chapter 32: I'll join, diamond for me please!
Chapter 32: I'm joining! ^^ My choice is um... hearts. :)

I already sent a friend request to Lisa-ssi ^^♥
Chapter 32: I guess I shall participate once again >_<
Spades for me :3
Chapter 32: It was fun and hard work last time, so I guess I'll join this one too. Clubs and will send requests to all of the judges after this comment has been posted!
Chapter 32: i'll try to join, i guess. spades?
minstah #13
Chapter 32: choosing spades!
sent a friend request to 'boss lady' ^^
Chapter 32: id luv to join...and ill go with hearts...
crystalchenny #15
Chapter 32: Hello! I'm choosing diamonds. I believe I sent a friend request to each of the judges.
Chapter 32: Round 4 is only open to those who joined round 3 right? When will you start another contest i want to try again, sigh.
I've been here since the beginning, I didn't PARTICIPATE in the first round, but keep the. quotes. i'd say go for the crack pairings too, but if they're someone like me, they don't really know any more than like seven idol groups from like 2008 and just stopped trying to learn anything more about the new ones. (who are these BAP people why do they have bunnies and...)

which really could eff up the writing because you might screw up on the charries or the personality isn't right, etc. fanfics gots to have a lot of research before you get into it.

AND OMG. IF THE NEXT ROUND LASTS FOR MORE THAN FIVE MONTHS. I'M OUT. I like the idea of a theme instead of here, write whatever the hell you want because there's a theme, a timeline and there's a requirement you have to use.

But other than that, I honestly don't have any idea for themes. Good luck, you guys came up with pretty nifty themes. /shot.
chocopretzels #18
Chapter 32: This was a sucessful and neat competition!
Congratulations to everyone :)