Comments: I Don’t Wanna Be Your Friend

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dreamoflove05 #1
wahhh~~ this chapter is really cute and funny.. a perfect moment before something bad happensss xD.. kai's dad is finally on his sideeee !! update soon author-nim!! <333
Kris_Tinne0024 #2
thank you for the update! :3 I really can't wait for the next chapters!!

This is addicting!
i just wanted to say that this is one of the best fics i've ever read! so well balanced and structured, and the characters are all really well built up... can't wait!!
Kris_Tinne0024 #4
waaaaaah~ that Kenji.. Arggghhh!! >__<

'Jongin's dad and EXO, do your bests please!! Get SunMiand SungMin back before anything worst happen..

akaonim #5
omg how can she handle going through so much pain?

Sunmi ah you are such a strong person...i hope they find her and ing kill and do watever they like to that bastard >_<

im glad Kai's dad is helping them and poor Sungmin :(
HOLY ...SHE GOT BEATEN AGAIN(#/"(2/"(#/"(#/'8!7#LJKWND

OMG Please update soon. ;o;
i actually think that kai's dad taking sunmi was part of the protection. he might have seen the stalker in banpo bridge and took sunmi instead so no one get to hurt her.

sgd;asdkfj;slkdg this is getting more and more interesting.
Bluepiinky #8
His dad help perhaps cus he saw how SunMi defend Kai and kris .
His dad is helping?! What's w' the sudden change? O.o
Update soon~ please!!! <3
Hope Kai can save her and bring her safely out. ):
Oh snaps.
The dad is helping?
Praise the lord!
Get your asses there and save her!
What the !? Why does Sunmi always get hurt? What is this? ing Kenji, I don't give a flying why you hate Kai or Kris! They could've killed your parents in front of you and then you for all I care! You're Gina ing die!!!
gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah~ she's beaten up again! ugh. poor sunmi :< and sungmin! i hope he won't be traumatized and don't let him see his noona~ >.<
OMGG !!! gotta know what happens to summi
Your story is DAEBAK! Update soon please.
Holy molly! Huhuhu!
WHy am I thinking of an almost stripped Sunmi? :( No Johanna. NO.

Update soon!
Kris_Tinne0024 #16
OMG~! I can't wait for the next update!!! thank you again for the hard work, author-nim! ♥

I'm kinda nervous, you know? In fact, I can't wait a little longer for the updates.. hwaiitinnggggg!!! ^0^
God, I'm jealous of how you always have ideas and your style of writing. >.< that's smth not everyone can have...
Anyw, I wna know what happen!!! I bet it's Kenji on the phone, right?
Please update soon~ <3
Wow! I really envy you with your writing skills! Update Soon~!
akaonim #19
omg omg Kris your my angel too lol

TAO!!!! welcome to the story Tao lol, im glad your here but at the same time im kinda worried about wats gonna happen now >_<

loving the updates and how you spoil us by updating frequently lol...great story author definitely still my favorite
Oh . Kenji is here~
Tao Tao welcome~