Comments: Downpour

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banacarat #1
Chapter 6: *tina voice* my hearrrrrrrt!!! Dude even I was blushing when Wonwoo said that Mingyu looked good with his hair down bc uhh DUH, he looks amazing when it's like that! Also Mingyu's mom is officially an angel and a Wonwoo fangirl XD
Chapter 7: thank you for always making this fic have constant updates. i appreciate your time and effort. i think mingyu and won are gonna kiss each other next and like pretend they accidentally did it and tell each other it was gross, but then turns out for them that they loved it and then are secretly mourning for each other while pretending to hate each other. yeah, its gonna happen. I hope you do well in school and have a nice day:)
deliciousyou #3
Who is the bassist that make gyu hate dislike him so much? The handsome stranger? No?
Chapter 7: ARRGHAHHHHHHHHHHHH *yells like mingyu infinitely* i think i will reread it again hehehehe
Chanbaek-love #5
Chapter 7: If you need to sleep, just sleep , update when you can WHEN IT DOESN'T INVOLVE YOU LOSING SLEEP. Your health is more important than updating a fanfiction. Not getting enough sleep is bad for your health. But, yeah, the update was good, but who on EARTH eats oatmeal while watching horror movies??? And Mingyu is just like me in this chapter. Every chapter there is a character that does something I would do, that's so weird.
SkyishSora #6
Chapter 6: Aww Wonu is being too honest to Mingyu how cute TvT <3
and I know that stranger is hella handsome and beautiful and has a soft hair who I guessed it was Jun? (or not? o.o) but I bet his hair doesn't feel like Gyu's -nods nods- u.u AND I STILL THINK THERE'S SOMETHING FISHY ABOUT SOONHOON COUPLE!
Gyu's mom ..... I need a fangirling partner like her please -prays-
tsk meanie are so stubborn confess to each other already :'l
hope you are doing good in your studies best luck for you >:) thank you for your hard work<3
HanneyLee #7
Chapter 6: Eyyyyyyyy.. Come on just confess already Meanie..
Them people who has never see down-hair-Mingyu are missing sooooooooooo much.. XD

P/S : I'm coming with you to hell.. XD
I'm having my final exam and yet I'm so hung up with this story..
deliciousyou #8
Chapter 6: I am new to this story and I'm so happy for reading it. Their bickering always so cute. At first I thought gyu already has a tiny lil bit crush for wonwoo, but now aww they are so cute. I can feel their feelings everywhere hahaha. You will style your hair to be like that right gyu? :)
kyunggiee #9
Chapter 6: Yea Mingyu keep your hair like that because your princess said so ;)) my goddd this is so cutee they always fighting then being sweet to each others! Aaa goodluck on your testt!! Hwaiting
Chapter 6: Wow, i should set eighteen alarm too tgese days....i usually would eake up easily when my alarm set off, but these days im a litttle sick and i found that i barely hear my alarm i put in on tge loudest and its hella noisy songs, like MX- Beautiful and SVT Aju nice
Chapter 6: UArGGHhhHHHH this chap is just so cute but my heart clench whenever their heart clenched too HuHUhUuuuUuu anyway, GOOD LUCK authornim!!! u actually have some mispelling errors. just a little. this chap made my dayy!! ^_^
Chanbaek-love #12
Chapter 6: Why eighteen alarms??? Also, I high-key love Mingyu's hair like that. And since I don't have a bias in Seventeen, I don't have to worry about not being loyal. And I, personally, enjoy being a Seventeen hoe. You should try it sometime, it's great.
banacarat #13
Chapter 5: Lmao Wonwoo having his little obsession over patting Mingyu's head. Just cute! Also nuuuu~ you can't leave us hanging during the weekdays how dare you~~ lmao jk. My break hasn't even started yet and you're already going back to school?! Oh my days
Chapter 5: oh please dont say that this is my daily meanie dose ryt now.i really enjoy it! so dont worry!
Chapter 5: Omg i want a friend like jihoon except the choking part wahahahaha

I dont know which part make u think this is ty but i am excited tosee tgis story updated!!!!
SkyishSora #16
Chapter 5: ty fanfic ?! O_O who said that WHO? I'll go chock them and poke their eyes to read better!
your stories are fun to read <3 they make me feel fresh and soft >.< your writing style is smooth and attractive!
ok let's go back to the story .. yes dear Wonu, Gyu's hair feels different ;) So.. It's Gyu's house this time? hmm how will they spend that day I wanna know!! and yea school starts on September for me xD good luck dear~
and again thank you for your hard work and sorry for my long comments x.x"
Chanbaek-love #17
Chapter 5: This fanfic isn't ty, it's actually well written and I think that it's obvious that you put thought into what you write. And also, my break started only last month, and break ends in August, so I'm not that lucky since break ends the day before my birthday..... : (
Chanbaek-love #18
Chapter 4: Well, if you insist, I GUESS you can be my favorite ........Just don't tell anybody, okay?
Chapter 4: Omg~ this is sooooo goid~ is jiwoo from kard ? Cuz i love her~~~~ meanie are getting closer meahahahahah~
SkyishSora #20
Chapter 4: My bby Jiwoo! meanie who?! I only know Jiwoo<3 -jk- xD
Well they are finally making a use of their numbers in the right way u.u -cough- good job Wonu you worked really hard in this chapter I'm proud TvT he even treated Mingyu so cute AND there's something fishy about Soonhoon couple >_>
I wonder what will happen in their next date? :p
For making an effort to update this story regularly, I really appreciate your hard work thank ou lots~