Comments: Drabbles of VIXX

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Chapter 97: Thank you for the update <3
bibibelle #2
Chapter 97: wish you doing well too, author-nim.. :)

Thank you for the updates.. It's lovely as always ^^
MissDands #3
Chapter 96: They've been in such a honeymoon since last year... I can't with sweet Neo ♡
yuki_ira #4
Chapter 96: .they are soooooo ccuuutteeeeee
wi2nqs #5
Chapter 96: You know Neo is real!!!!
Dulanga #6
Chapter 96: That Neo content is the death of starlights... This story is so real...
bibibelle #7
Chapter 96: Yeah... this moment really give a big impressed..
And happy to read this.. you captured it so.well ^^

Ah! Author-nim I forgot to asked your instagram id.
may I asked you now?
Maybe I can share some idea :)
Chapter 96: My Neo heart is satisfied ♡ Theyre so cuteeeee XD thank you, authornim! ^o^
Bap_IsEverything #9
Chapter 96: So freaking cute!!!!!!! Thank you for writing and sharing this with us ^_^*
Chapter 96: N IS THE BEST LEADER...NO, NO, NO! BEST FRIEND....NO, NO! BEST OLDER BROTHER... NO! No words can really describe N!
N is everything you want to be in one person. Those guys are truly bless to have a outstanding hyung. N might not get notice for being such a wonderful hyung...I don't think he cares but his boys love him to death and he will always be there for them. Their bond is real. A true leader...Damn I'm about to cry! Lol
I saw that clip when N visited Tae. It made my heart happy!
Thanks for the update.
MissDands #11
Chapter 95: Omg tou're baack I missed tou so much! Yes we'll try to keep you updated on things! Ow would u write something about Hyuk's birthday fanmeeting? Or idk just anything rly I miss these drabbles a lot... happy you'r back! And good luck with college life
Chapter 95: Hakyeon is like one of the best leader out there ♡ I love how much he cares about his group members ^o^
Chapter 95: Chapter 83: There was Leo getting his heart broken by Hongbin on twitter. I think it was Binnie advertised Leo then
Leo: I love you Kong,
Binnie; What is this I just saw this.
Binnie: Please don't say things like that
Leo: <3
Binnie; </3
bibibelle #14
Chapter 95: That's a very lovely update author-nim...^^
Can we sent any vixx member moment to give you some idea?
I do think I have some of them.. :)
Chapter 95: Ohhh and maybe something about Taek and Hyukies interaction during touch and sketch promotions XD
Chapter 95: I miss you so much author-nim!!!

Maybe you could write about Wonshik and Taekwoon going to the idol sport event (ISAC 2018) XD
Where starlights made a banner just for Wonshik!
Chapter 95: i for one have missed you so much~~
Dulanga #18
Chapter 95: I missed you.. Btw, I love this. Nbin is really heartwarming
kamehama #19
Chapter 95: aww cute... i like how the leader presence improve his performance ❤️
Chapter 95: So cute <3