Comments: Of Gold and Obsidian

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Chapter 12: >< what happen?
Chapter 9: I hate PCY -_-
Chapter 9: OMG! Right after Baekhyun decided to give Chanyeol a chance....this happens!! Of course! Of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And poor Baekhyun is feeling so down and sad and I want to cuddle him! I want to cuddle and smack him at the same time. I know it is hard because Chanyeol has never stayed with one person before BUT BAEKHYUN YOU ARE SO CUTE AND ADORABLE AND YOU SHOULD HAVE MORE FAITH IN YOURSELF! At least he has Sehun to drive him home and look out for him! I can't make Sehun seems that he wants to date baekhyun but then he doesn't seem to bothered by Chanyeol....soooo hmmmmmmmmmm I have questions... so maaany questions!

I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO THINK ABOUT IRENE! She seemed sweet in the introduction...but then maybe less sweet at the fast food place!!!!! I wasn't sure if she was talking about the food or warning Baekhyun off on Chanyeol?!??!??!?!?!?!?! I DON"T KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT HER BUT I DON"T TRUST HER!

Aww and Chanyeol comes like usual even if he is a bit late and he is so sweet and cute here! I am melting! but then he does ask Baekhyun to help him pick out a probably is him just wanting time with baekhyun and he'll take it any way he can!
Chapter 8: Hmmmmmmmmm Baekhyun is definitely hiding who he is!!!!!!!! THAT MOMENT ON THE BALCONY!?!??! OMG! AND CHANYEOL LAYS ONE ON BAEKHYUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND TELLS HIM TO TAKE A CHANCE ON HIM!!!!!!!! OMG!

ARRRRG! What is it with dirty old men in money???!??!?!?! It is because the people Chanyeol would sleep with were always after his money?? Otherwise why would he think it was a good idea to call Baekhyun a and make all those comments??!?!?!??! At least Kyungsoo came on the scene and stopped it before Sehun and Baekhyun made a scene although I wouldn't have minded if the old guy got a kick in the pants and more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sehun should ruin him!! I DON"T CARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So angry!

Oh no....Chanyeol's mother has a surprise for him???? And it goes exactly how I thought it would go....I just wonder if Irene is nice or not? Or if she likes Chanyeol more or not? or WHAAAAAT WILL HAPPPPPEN NEXT?!?!?!??!!???!?!??!??!?!?!?!??!?!
Chapter 7: Ok even though Chanyeol left Baekhyun right away to greet people and Baekhyun got stuck in the least no one has been mean to him....yet! And then he is joined by Sehun so he isn't alone! HA! Chanyeol being jealous at the sight of them. I was wondering if Sehun would say that they knew each other. Oh and Baekhyun listening to the music and the comment Sehun made....I guess he use to play? Is that why he was outside the instrument shop that one time Chanyeol saw him? Did he have a violin and lose it or something and is trying to make payments to get it back???? Ah and then Kai joins the scene! Oh. So Kyungsoo and Baekhyun aren't friends...but Kyungsoo knows Baekhyun? Baekhyun doesn't seem to recognize Kyungsoo......Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I AM SO CURIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: HHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHH! I WAS CORRECT!!! He is such a baby! I do love that all of this caused them to sleep in the same bed and for Baekhyun to wear Chanyeol's clothes! And I laughed so hard at Chanyeol when he said that he wished it would storm every day so he could have Baekhyun in his arms and then he takes it back! HAHHAHAHHAHA! Oh! I hope Baekhyun doesn't get scolded too harshly by his manger! That would stink! OH AND CHANYEOL KIISESS BAEKHYUN ON HIS FORHEAD!?!?!?!? AWWWWWWWWWWWWWW

HAHAHHA! Baekhyun didn't have work today? That is good! Sehun not knowing how to order and Baekhyun not helping him because he wants to see him embarrassed! He also warned Baekhyun about Chanyeol...but I know it is something that sits in the back of Baekhyun's mind all the time. Sehun is attending the party for Chanyeol's mother? Hmmmmm I wonder what will happen when Sehun and Chanyeol meet? I am also worried that Baekhyun goes too but will get verbally abused...I hope some of Chanyeol's family is nice.....but considering they are rich..they probably are not? :(
Chapter 6: OMG! I am two seconds in and I bet Chanyeol called Baekhyun because he is scared of Thunderstorms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 5: Awwwww! I get how Baekhyun can be so worried and so convinced that Chanyeol is going to drop him and leave once he gets what he wants and that makes is so hard to open up! Who knows...Chanyeol might end up doing that still. But I really like how he has someone who texts him often and wants to have dinner...I bet he isn't feeling as lonely anymore! Oooooo and Baekhyuun feeling jealous at the snaps of Chanyeol with the hot girl!!!!!!!! But it is a little sad because I feel that it makes Baekhyun more convinced that Chanyeol will drop him when he gets what he wants. And now Sehun is hanging around Baekhyun but you didn't say what Sehun was to Baekhyun!!!!! So I am still at a loss as to what their relationship is really.....but I am wondering...did Baekhyun come from money? Is that why he knows Sehun who is another rich kid? Or did they once date? or???? Ahhhhhhh I was instantly on the edge of my seat when Chanyeol called Baekhyun for help!!! What is going on? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Chapter 4: This was a short chapter but I really, really, really enjoyed it! Their conversation and banter at the restaurant was so perfect! I really likd that whole part! Awww! I felt for Baekhyun after reading his thoughts when they are returning back to his place. I guess he and Chanyeol aren't so different after all in that respect. AND THAT ENDING!!!!!!! Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Chapter 3: Awww! When Baekhyun was tending to his wounds and Chanyeol felt a flutter because when was the last time someone treated him tenderly and sincerely??? AWWWWWW! And I am glad that Baekhyun took the money from Chanyeol! I don't want him kicked out into the streets! Chanyeol suggesting Baekhyun come live with him had me laughing! But I am glad he at least took the money! I KNEW IT! I KNEW Chanyeol was the person to rent out privately at Baekhyun's work so Baekhyun could go to dinner with him!!!!!!! But that whole stalker bit.......I wonder who that is and if that person wants to make trouble for Baekhyuun???? I hope not!!!!!! And of curse! OF COURSE CHANYEOL BRINGS HIM TO A RESTAURANT of an upstanding quality!!!!!! And Baekhyun is dressed like that!! I wonder how that will go???? Anywho! A great chapter! Thanks for this!
Chapter 2: Well this was an exciting second chapter! I was wondering if Chanyeol was going to offer Baekhyun money again or buy him a bike! All I could think about was how many days did Baekhyun go to work without his bicycle? At least Chanyeol was smarter about it and bought a 30 dollar one! I also love Baekhyun's firy retort when Chanyeol asks him to dinner! And I wasn't surprised when he said no and went off!!!! Chanyeol is going to have to work harder! HA! Perfect! I love that Kyungsoo is Kai's bodyguard! And woah! Chanyeol ignoring hot women and being off his game!??! I guess he really is caught up in Baekhyun! I bet that Kyungsoo is friends with Baekhyun isn't he? Since he was so interested in their conversation!!??!?!?! HAHA! CHANYEOL! YOU DON"T STALK PEOPLE WITH YOUR CAR!!!!!!!! When the guy jumped out and grabbed Baekhyun's money I was like REALLYY!??!?! REALLYY!?!?! Oh! And after Chanyeol steps in and gets hurt the mugger runs he still has Baekhyun's money?!?!??!?!?!?!? And this is how Chanyeol becomes friends with Baekhyun?? You silly boy you!!! Still enjoying this!
Chapter 1: I am really liking this so far! Chanyeol is a piece of work but I also get why! It must be so hard living and knowing that everyone is after your money and who you are is whatever! I adored that Baekhyun refused his money and got more insulted the higher the price went! Plus I laughed so hard when Chanyeol upped the price for spending the night with him!!!!! Baekhyun works in fast food not as a hooker!!!! I do enjoy the teasing they did to one another before Chanyeol insulted Baekhyun and he left!
I love this story so much! ♥️
Chapter 30: Wow! I'm so moved by this story. Amazing job in writing this! It's beautiful. Definitely one of the best I've come across!
kesumasehun #15
Chapter 30: Thank you so much for this amazing stories. I cried so much reading this! Looking forward to your new ff!! ?
brianabb09 #16
Chapter 30: im sobbing this is one of the best stories i’ve read. thank you for writing this
Chapter 22: Omg I love Sehun here! And this story omg I have no words for this, all the plot twists keep me so addicted to this, I can’t stop reading this seriously. Thank god I still have chapters left because I don’t want this to end.
Chapter 30: WOW
Chapter 30: So beautiful, i'm crying
Thank you very much for this wonderful story!!:)