Comments: Million Dollar Boy

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xiuminious99 #1
Chapter 31: Aaaa when’s 31 chapter coming outttt??????
hazecraze 930 streak #2
Chapter 12: Holy crap that Kyungsoo scene in the end was a show stealer. Why does he have to be such a ty person? I wonder if Sehun would care about Luna doing this if he found out
hazecraze 930 streak #3
Chapter 11: Sehun has this little part in him that's good, but he keeps pushing it off as nothing! I can already see him growing fond of Jongin, especially in the last scene where he doesnt want Jongin to suffer like he did
hazecraze 930 streak #4
Chapter 10: :( Jongin's loneliness really resonated with me. But at least Sehun got to be the tsundere hero of the day again!!
hazecraze 930 streak #5
Chapter 9: At least Sehun had the conscience to save him...and he did soften up a little bit by asking Jongin to help him with his injuries. I suppose he isnt 100% terrible and has some feelings within him
hazecraze 930 streak #6
Chapter 8: Jongin is such a precious blubbering mess that I cant help but love! I would lowkey a bit like Chanyeol (just a little bit) since hes so cute! Haha watch Sehun actually get territorial soon and Chanyeol will call him out on his hypocrisy
hazecraze 930 streak #7
Chapter 7: They are hopeleslly in love, but Sehun's attitude is hopeless in general. Ik jongin sadly feels bad bc Sehun had someone he loves but he shouldnt feel bad for someone who lacks any form of consideration!
hazecraze 930 streak #8
Chapter 6: Oo yes Jongin with those running skills. But hes just prone to sickness and injury, isnt he? But hm chanyeol does seem to be going out of his way to talk to Jongin, so Im curious about how their relationship will evolve
hazecraze 930 streak #9
Chapter 5: Im so glad Chanyeol was there to take care of Jongin. Hes Sehun's friend but at least he has common courtesy! I hope he knocks some sense into Sehun soon
hazecraze 930 streak #10
Chapter 4: Ah, I can see that Chanyeol has two sides to him. He's more of the passive-aggressive type of nice person. Jongin really needs to take care of himself though!
Chapter 31: Sehun please fix what happened
Ayesh5 #12
Chapter 31: This is one of the first fics that I read on aff. I hve been absolutely in love with this story from day 1 and I ardently wait for any updates.
I love the characters and the complexity.. and most of all your writing.
Its amazing and I enjoy reading every word of it.
Please please update soon.
I would love to read more and more of this story.
hazecraze 930 streak #13
Chapter 3: Okay I take back any sympathy I had for Sehun because now hes just being snobby, privileged, rude, and inconsiderate. Firing the maids just for that? Wanting to see Jongin suffer? Thats inhumane
bottomkai15 #14
Chapter 31: I'm in chanyeol team yeolli is so sweet he deserve to be with the of his life aka nini
Chapter 31: Who took those photos...
Sehun please clear your mind about Kai... And try something for filter your mouth and also for your temper...:(:(:(
Chapter 30: Seriously what had happened to Sehun in New York?
Chanyeol please don't grow your feeling more then this point...
Chapter 29: Grandma and mother really played well with the innocent hearts of Sehun abd Luhan... Mother is really bad she is not even treating Kai well...
I hope there will be no serious fight between Chanyeol and Sehun...
Seems like Kai os that nephew of Prince Charles...
Chapter 28: Poor Kai, Sehun is too much for him... I just love this...❤❤❤
eunhae4eva #19
Chapter 31: I love Sehun but I'm Team Chanyeol rn. Sehun can't even identify the root of his explosive anger. Acknowledging the fact that he's jealous and possessive is just the first step in the right direction. He needs to get his together and show Jongin how much he loves him. At this point I am Team Chanyeol because at least he treats Jongin right. But it also looks like Chanyeol too may not fully be aware of what he wants as he is walking on thin ice right now. He is so gentle and loving and who doesn't love Giant Yeol ! And it would absolutely break my heart when the time comes where Jongin will have to choose between him and Sehun. And we all know who Jongin will choose. And fuuucck BaekSoo made me feel hot and bothered damn ~~
hazecraze 930 streak #20
Chapter 2: I kind of sympathize with Sehun though. I feel bad for Jongin because he really had no say in this, but Sehun's reaction is all but natural. Being engaged is something huge and life-changing. The whole story behind the engagement is really interesting though!