Comments: A Chance Encounter

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Chapter 26: i rlly liked this tbh
Chapter 25: This is so darn cute, I'm squealing right now. It kind remind me of myself since I'm a clumsy person too. I always misplaced my thing and when I'm about to go out I always ask my companion “Where is my phone? Do I bring my wallet already?” Sorry OOT >.<

Usually I never fond of Yixing stories, I do like him, but I like Minseok more :D So I clicked your story randomly, well since its on ad and I'm grateful for it. It's really good and cute and fluffy and make me giddy, I am laughing alone in my desk. I'm on my working hour when I read your story. I love how Juyeon feel so real to me, she had her insecurities like any other woman (I think I've enough an almost perfect OC, so it's kind of refreshing reading Juyeon character) and her not-so-subtle hint, it's so funny. I imagine her like my friend, she is an easy-going person, but unfortunately some people take advantages of it and she end up hurting. Oh I'm OOT again, sorry.

I'll check your other stories, thank you for making this ♥ Have a nice day.
Chapter 26: Hi authornim! I love the way you write this story! And how you portray Yixing is just wow! I love it authornim! I'll be reading your other stories authornim! Hwaiting!
ajujuchaaang #4
Chapter 21: Omg this chapter is my favorite so faaar!!!!! Gosh they're so cuteeeee!!!! How I wish that kind of argument happens in real life then there would be less couple breaking up hahahaha
Chapter 26: "Something serious for once" lmao okay but I want this even though it sounds kind of rude!!
Chapter 26: why is this so good? i don't think it's legal to have a story this nice and great (just like how zhang yixing should not be legal for us mere mortals to gaze on) ㅠㅠ
Hotcakes1800 #7
Chapter 26: That was a really good story. I love the two of them together, it was just so cute. Thanks for sharing.
Chapter 9: This is such a cool story :) I'm really loving this. One of the best stories I've read recently :) Good job!
Hotcakes1800 #9
Chapter 10: This is like, the cutest thing I've ever read. It's hard enough to find a Yixing fic, but a good one? Even harder. So far, I think this story is amazing.
Chapter 26: oh my gosh I love your story! You have an amazing plot. Please make some bonus chapters maybe like juyeon is pregnant lol, give me the chilling feels of fluff lol.
ilovekpop007 #11
Chapter 26: Ahh this story was so adorable. I like Juyeon's quirkiness but she really is too kind. I'm not the kind of person that let's others get away with hurting me so it was hard to relate to her kindheartedness. Part of me still wishes she got better revenge on Bona other than just the catfight. But it was a very cute ending. I'm glad she ended up with Yixing.
I was supposed to be babysitting, but I was reading this instead. Because of you, I burnt the grilled cheese.

Anyways, I love this! This is my first Yixing fan fiction that I've read and I'm definitely going to delve into it more. I'm Baekhyun biased myself, but lately I've been expanding my horizons and trying out the other Exo members. I'm so happy I read this.

Throughout the story, I found Juyeon so relatable. I have quite the over dramatic imagination myself and have gotten into several awkward situations because of it. I think everybody's felt those insecurities and compared themselves to somebody who was seemingly perfect like Bona. Also, the whole easy-going and easily forgiving part was very relevant to my life. So I commend you on making such a flawed, relatable and realistic character.

Bona on the other hand, I ing despised Bona. Legit, I wanted to strangle her. There was no reason for her to be mega . Either way, I thought she was a good antagonist and foil for Juyeon. That plot twist at the end at the rehearsal got me and had me in stitches. I thought it was gonna be cliché, but you pleasantly surprised me.

I also really loved the characterization of both Chanyeol and Yixing. Even though I don't read a lot of fan fictions with Yixing as a main character, I really enjoyed him. He was also flawed and realistic. I also may have fallen in love with him a little bit. He's become my bias wrecker I think. And Chanyeol was just beautiful. I felt kind of bad for him, but really he got himself into the mess. I've never seen him characterized like that and I really liked it. I also enjoyed the additions of Kyunsoo, Baekhyun, and Jongin. When I found out who Baekhyun was, I laughed so hard I scared my dog.

Anyways, I just really really enjoyed this story. It is one of my favourite fan fictions of all time. The plot was great, the characters were great, the pacing was great. Everything was just great. Wonderful job!
Chapter 26: More bunos chapter please!!!!
Chapter 26: Kyaaaa!!! I wanted to comment the moment I got annoyed with the Juyeon character but I got so caught up in finishing the story.. this is really good!! You got me hooked... like I want to read it over and over again.. You make me fall for Yixing in this story like I did on -The Single Girl -!!! Omonnnna!!! keep writing more Yixing and OC story....
You're one of the best!!!
winger #15
Chapter 26: I honestly kept screaming and squealing when I read this story. I loved the way you portrayed the main character as someone who wasn't perfect, but special in her own way. I liked how Yixing even accepted her flaws, and I really liked how Yixing and Juyeon had a relationship that was different from other stories, but still uniquely special. I enjoyed this story a lot and I loved your writing style. At first, I was a bit hesitant to read the story because I seldom click on advertisements, but might I say, I do not regret clicking on the advertisement! Instead, I regret for not finding this story sooner!

Anyway, throughout the story I was wondering what Yixing's perspective would be like. It would be amazing if you wrote a bonus chapter in Yixing's perspective! <3
Chapter 26: I seldom check advertised works,but Im glad I read this one.great work!
stoety #17
Chapter 26: More fluffy :D
Chapter 26: I would love to read more bonus chapters
Chapter 26: OMG ! I'm so glad that this story got promoted ! I have a really good time reading this ! I have become a fan of your work!
Oh, and I would like fluffy and serious bonus chapters !
Hajerokok #20
Chapter 26: Mooooore fluffy bonus pleeeeeeas^_^