Comments: How to Write in AFF

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Chapter 1: It's not lame >~< t's actually very helpful for beginners and those who need help! So thanks!~& do you know that if I insert a link into the "Characters" box, if it would show the picture?
Chapter 1: How can I upload more than 1 pictures?
Like in the characters, insert a photo for each character? ><
Chapter 1: Wow, thank you so much this will definately help me~!!!
Chapter 2: Thanx...finally I understand..thank you..very much!!
Chapter 1: hey, if i paste the link at the body. can the link change to a word? i hope you understand me. >_<
rbtigersm #6
I try to put tags in, but it's not working... It keeps saying it's invalid or something!!! D:
ammyayuni #7
Chapter 1: hey!can i upload any picture for the character??
Thank you!!!!
ShoeSpider #9
Never mind I found out.. If you are writing on your phone or iPad iPod etc you use </p> for after your done writing your paragraph ex

"I like cheese" she said as she walked out of the house</p>

And then after you use </p> you use <p> to space it out.

Now if you want to write in italics you use <em> at the begging then after your done using italics you use </em> ex

<em> I wish that I had that bear</em> I thought to myself</p>

The things won't show up when you update your chapter it will be spaced out. I hope this helped
I space out my writings but the always come scrunched together ..... Help!
theentrance #11
Every time I type and put spaces between a paragraph it becomes one Long paragraph- how to fix it??:)
ShoeSpider #12
How do I space it out because my story keeps on coming scrunched up together.
*you need to update *3* *
but I wanted to ask you, what is the secret to have so many subscribers and views? because sometimes I see on here some poorly written stories, and they get a ton of subscribers anyways ( not bashing anyone) because on the tags they have something that people often read.
oh! I have a question.<br />
How do I do to hide a incomplete oneshot?( I wanna hide the foreword and stuff before all the writing progress is done.)
Thank you XD I'm still confused with some things because I'm new in here :P
hei~<br />
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can i ask something?<br />
i want to tag my story, but can we tag more than one?because when i want tag the second one i can't add it >_< please help me, i'm new in AFF and i already writing my story but haven't post it in AFF~<br />
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thanks before ^_^<br />
kichikimo #17
thank you i keep mixed up description and foreword but thanks to you now i understand it ~ ^^
-ximini #18
Ooooh, thank you!